Musketeer's Mug!

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musketman awwwwwww as a baby and hillbilly scarecrow now. Now just smile :: mug shot.

mrs bb wrote that i didn't!!!! :redface:
OK, fair is fair...

Here be me, taken off of my drivers license in the dead of winter...


Let the wise remarks begin...

".....would you buy a used mobile home from this man.....?"
Let the wise remarks begin...

Reminds me of a wise remark from the greatest Western ever made, "Cigar stores, revolving doors, men wear sideburns and they oughter 'cause a haircut cost a quarter".

I see nothing has changed :crackup:
and the score is squire robin =2 the scarecrow with his many faces=2 it's a tie folks :crackup: :crackup:
Musketman's great, great, great, great, great, great grandpappy! :: :crackup: :crackup: :thumbsup:
Much as I would love to stop and play with you lot there is a gunshop near York with my Christmas present inside and I have to go fetch it. York is 5-6 hours, allowing for lunch, so I plan to overnight at Tadcaster. Seeya later

Squire Robin
Wal, Ah figgers Ah mite as wel sho ye ma pitcher afore at Mooskeetman mizleeds ye:

At's me on tha lef side thar a talkin ta Hoppy. ::

Ole Hoppy allys liked his medicin in tha mornin. Truble wer iffen he had a slug o the medicin, he usully quit his hoppin an got ta staggarin.

Corse Ah knu that no kid would spen his nikel ta see a moovy 'bout ole "Staggar Along Cassidy" even iffen he kud still shoot tha gun outter tha bad guys hand at 90 yards distence witout aimin, so's Ah decided ta hide tha medicin!
Korse Ah new he wood fin it iffen Ah jus put it unner tha haystack so's insted Ah drunk tha hole thin!

Ye notice in tha pitcher that lil smile on Ma face? That are because Ah'm jus about ta give some o his medicin back on his new boots! Boy, whan Ah wer done, ye should a seen him Hoppin then!! :: :crackup: :crackup: