Muzzleloading magazines

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Muzzleloader. But back in the 1970's I was very happy with The Buckskin Report
Thanks for that link to the JEA magazine,just subscribed. :thumbsup:

I take Muzzloader and Backwoodsman Magazine which often has articles of interest on muzzleloaders and accoutrements.
Simple question - Hard answer.

Ah, the Old 'Buckskin Report'. 'Muzzle Loader' is slick, hi quality, but no magazine currently really looks out for the interests of the traditional shooter, at the present time, like the NMLRA's mag looks out for paper punchers. Forums like this are unquestionably superior (and probably will replace mags over time).

Flintlock, round ball and black powder - Life is sweet.

Notice on powder container -"Be certain no embers are smoldering in the barrel before loading", so I ALWAYS blow down the barrel after firing. Its easier than wet swabbing each time.
It would be nice to have a magazine for traditional shooting and hunting. I don't wear fancy clothes or uniforms, buckskins or frocks. I don't go on treks or long trips but I do shoot for fun and hunt in the old ways and there is so little out there published about that these days. My hunting tract is small so traditional muzzleloading works great. I don't shoot inlines or fancy modern muzzleloaders just traditional. If I want modern I break out the cartridge firearms. I believe there are a lot out there like me and we should have more publications.

I blame a lot of this change on game departments for allowing anything goes in primitive seasons in many states. I think there is a whole market of people out there that is being missed and that would buy a lot of products from advertisers in such a publication. :idunno:
Thanks for the responses it looks like muzzleloader magazine is the winner. I also learned about some I hadn't heard of before. I was going to get a subscription and wanted to get a good one.
I totally agree on Muzzleloader mag, been getting it for years, if you are also looking for good historical articles, along with muzzleloading, try On the Trail magazine, and Patriots of the American Revolution, both are high quality, with good contributors...

Catchem said:
Simple question - Hard answer.

Ah, the Old 'Buckskin Report'. 'Muzzle Loader' is slick, hi quality, but no magazine currently really looks out for the interests of the traditional shooter, at the present time, like the NMLRA's mag looks out for paper punchers. Forums like this are unquestionably superior (and probably will replace mags over time).-----------

Flintlock, round ball and black powder - Life is sweet.

Notice on powder container -"Be certain no embers are smoldering in the barrel before loading", so I ALWAYS blow down the barrel after firing. Its easier than wet swabbing each time.
Forums have less of the Payola problem of artcals being all to often advertisments in disguise. The advertizer product gets only glowing reviews. Forums are more honest and interactive.
There is Muzzleloader (my favorite), and there is Muzzle Blasts the magazine of the NMLRA, which I haven't read in like 25 years, and there is On The Trail which is pretty good, though 18th century and trekking centric (sorry all you fur trade and CW folks), and finally just for fun is Backwoodsman, which really isn't about muzzleloading at all, but sometimes has some interesting articles on living history stuff.

Put me down for another Muzzle Blasts reader. I wish they brought back the Bevel Brothers- I really enjoyed their columns. Muzzle Blasts often gets into other areas muzzle loader doesn't, which is of interest to me but maybe not everyone, for example some unusual type guns, etc. A few months back they had a great article on in-line flintlocks from the 1600's. I had heard about them but had no idea how they worked.
The Buckskin Report, the Black Powder Report( I have old copies from 1986 on the shelf next to my desk.)

I am more of a shooter than a hunter. Articles about shooting a kudu with an in-line mean nothing to me. That part of Muzzle Blasts is lost on me. I do look for the articles on the old guns and gun smiths, and how to articles. Likewise treking means little to me. Muzzleloader is ok, it is just a different emphasis. I like Back woodsman for it's how too articles.

When I was a kid, I was probably the only one in the school that had a subscription to American Heritage, probably also the only kid in the region with a subscription to Archeology.
I currently receive both Muzzleloader and Muzzle Blasts. Of the two, I prefer Muzzleloader. I also have cases of Muzzle Blasts, including issue 1 volume 1, as well as Buckskin report and a few others from way back when. I enjoy going back to the 30's and 40's and seeing how things were done in comparison to today.
Muzzleloader is my preference. My only complaint is they tend to spend a lot of historical space on the Eastern scene at the expense of the westward movement and very little on the post 1830's (muzzle loaders were de riguer to the end of the Civil War).
Other than that, love the publication, especially the "how-to" articles. :thumbsup:
I take Muzzle Blasts, Muzzleloader and On The Trail. All are good magazines and seem to address different aspects of muzzleloading. I enjoy all three but if I had to pick one over the others, I'd say Muzzleloader. But Muzzle Blasts and On The Trail aren't far behind. If you can afford it, I'd recommend all three.