They're all asking questions. Being spoon fed. Then they disappear. Then they don't return. And they definitely don't contribute.
The bigger issue as I see it isn't that they get spoon fed, or that they disappear, it's that too many (especially the ones who just come to try to sell stuff or gain info to sell stuff elsewhere, but let'sleave them out of this) show up on the radar too soon. They don't read, they don't go back to older posts, or more importantly older/past member's posts, and digest what info is already here. They just jump in and ask questions that have been answered many times already. Or, they find some 2 to 10 year old post and respond to it, at worst with an answer to a question, or at best with a question about what they read. They could start a new post and refer to the old one.
Some of our greatest fountains of knowledge are gone, either passed on or left the forum for various reasons. Old posts have value, but doesn't mean they are infallible, remember the myth thing. At least one left the forum unhappy with the way things have become, and changed his screen name when he did making his very valuable information hard to search.
New folks, welcome, we do want you here. Yes, we argue, yes you may need a thick skin at times. Go back and read through things. If a reply quotes another posts read that full quote and if it quotes another topic, read that too. If you have something to contribute, fantastic, but be prepared to be questioned on it, especially if it is historical knowledge be prepared to be asked for documentation or evidence. A lot of folks seem to take be asked to prove something or support something as being challenged personally, sometimes we ask for that support info for our own learning.
Most of us want the new folks here and we want the sport and the forum to grow, or at least continue. But, no one has been waiting years for your answer to the question they posted in 2005. And we don't need 5 or 6 more topics per year on Dawn dish soap, the danger of static (this myth really needs to be killed and buried), stuck balls, stuck jags, or short starters (unless new reall info comes available).