My 3rd muzzleloader Bull Elk

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32 Cal
Dec 26, 2019
Reaction score
Just getting round to posting my adventures from November. On the second day of the season I spotted two bulls high up on an open ridge. There was a intermitent fog, so I used that to cover my stalk. While still trying to get within range, the two bulls retreated into some timber. I thought they had caught scent or noticed me, and that they were gone forever. Turns out, they were just finding a place to bed down out of the wind. When I slowly entered into the timber, I was able to get within 30 yards of this bull. First shot clipped shoulder and lung. He stumbled for a distance, but I was able to follow up right behind him. 2nd shot finished him through lungs. He ended up breathing his last, right at the edge of a pretty incredible cliff. This is the third bull taken with Rachel, my .50 cal using patched round ball. Pionner Mountains, Idaho.
Congrats on a nice bull! “Rachel” looks like a CVA Hawken. What’s up with the leather wrap? Is it supporting a break or was Rachel just feeling especially sexy that day? Dressed to kill so to speak.🙂
Nice Bull . Broken throwback tine so he probably seen combat . A successful stalk is always the highlight of the hunt to me . Well done .
His pedicle is getting short so he may be about 6 - 7 years old
The leather wrap looks to me like a cow's knee, if so good place to put it as you said it was foggy out. nice bull, one of my bucket list animals to hunt. CONGRATS on a fine animal and stalk.
Thanks All,

Rachel was made up from a Traditions kit. Regarding the leather wrap. The first time I took her out elk hunting, three years ago, the wedge fell out. I was camping and managed to make and emergency one out of a large screw. I somehow happened to keep a file in my trucks tool kit. The emergency one fitted a little loose and stuck out the sides. I didn't want it to fall out while hunting, so I made that leather wrap out of a scrap of leather and a leather shoe lace. I made it so it would prevent me from loosing the wedge and I could continue the hunt. I have sinced made a good wedge for it but still like having the leather wrap threre. I also keep a leather cover over the muzzle as I usually hunt in snow. I will take it off when I'm stalking up on something. It happens to be off in the photo as I had just been firing the rifle.

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