My build has started

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32 Seneca Guy
Jan 18, 2018
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Some of you may remember that about a year and a half ago I purchased a straight 7/8" 42-inch barrel in 40 caliber and a really beautiful nicely figured maple pre carved stock for a little of nothing at a sale. The retired principal from my old High School agreed to do the build for me. We visited the other day, and he allowed me to shoulder some of his rifles to see what I liked. We have decided to trim the barrel to 38 inches measured from the breech plug face after I handled a similar gun that fit me really well and balanced nicely in my hands. All of the furniture has been purchased and final decisions have been made. Will be using a Chambers late Ketland lock, and all iron furniture. It will be fairly plain with no patch box. The iron butt plate, toe plate, nose cap and ramrod pipes will be darkened. It will be a fairly slender rifle when completed with double set triggers. Really excited to see it start to take shape soon and will post some photos once the barrel is fitted into the stock and as it progresses.
Some of you may remember that about a year and a half ago I purchased a straight 7/8" 42-inch barrel in 40 caliber and a really beautiful nicely figured maple pre carved stock for a little of nothing at a sale. The retired principal from my old High School agreed to do the build for me. We visited the other day, and he allowed me to shoulder some of his rifles to see what I liked. We have decided to trim the barrel to 38 inches measured from the breech plug face after I handled a similar gun that fit me really well and balanced nicely in my hands. All of the furniture has been purchased and final decisions have been made. Will be using a Chambers late Ketland lock, and all iron furniture. It will be fairly plain with no patch box. The iron butt plate, toe plate, nose cap and ramrod pipes will be darkened. It will be a fairly slender rifle when completed with double set triggers. Really excited to see it start to take shape soon and will post some photos once the barrel is fitted into the stock and as it progresses.
Good news for sure! Just curious, are the rifles you shouldered his builds, or just his guns? Tell us a little more about the builders ability.
One of the rifles was his build also in 40 caliber the other belonged to a friend of his who helped him get started building. He is a talented wood worker and craftsman. If any of you are familiar with Conner Prairie in Central Indiana, he worked there after retiring from teaching. Conner Prairie provides tours to school children in the area showing how early settlers and pioneers in Indiana lived using live actors portraying the time period. They also give demonstrations on many of the skills that were necessary during the time period. I will take plenty of photos and ask him to also so that we can share the experience with all of you.
So I am having the barrel cut down to 38 inches. took the barrel to another gunsmith friend who is cutting and crowning the barrel. While I was there he said he wanted to check and make sure the barrel is perfectly straight and if not he would take care of that also. I asked him about my 45 Seneca barrel that shoots really high and after he gets the first barrel completed he is going to check it for straightness also. He showed how he checks for straightness and uses a press to make very minute adjustments. Said he gets lots of barrels especially on newer modern guns that need tweaked.
Barrel is cut and crowned and its back with the builder. Next post will have a few pics. When I showed up at his shop, he and another gentleman who are both members of the horn builders guild (which I didn't know was a real thing) were working on some spoons and other items made from bull horn and are going to put together an instructional class for others who want to learn how. Pretty cool to see.
Some of you may remember that about a year and a half ago I purchased a straight 7/8" 42-inch barrel in 40 caliber and a really beautiful nicely figured maple pre carved stock for a little of nothing at a sale. The retired principal from my old High School agreed to do the build for me. We visited the other day, and he allowed me to shoulder some of his rifles to see what I liked. We have decided to trim the barrel to 38 inches measured from the breech plug face after I handled a similar gun that fit me really well and balanced nicely in my hands. All of the furniture has been purchased and final decisions have been made. Will be using a Chambers late Ketland lock, and all iron furniture. It will be fairly plain with no patch box. The iron butt plate, toe plate, nose cap and ramrod pipes will be darkened. It will be a fairly slender rifle when completed with double set triggers. Really excited to see it start to take shape soon and will post some photos once the barrel is fitted into the stock and as it progresses.
Thats great ! Can't wait to see it ! :)
Some of you may remember that about a year and a half ago I purchased a straight 7/8" 42-inch barrel in 40 caliber and a really beautiful nicely figured maple pre carved stock for a little of nothing at a sale. The retired principal from my old High School agreed to do the build for me. We visited the other day, and he allowed me to shoulder some of his rifles to see what I liked. We have decided to trim the barrel to 38 inches measured from the breech plug face after I handled a similar gun that fit me really well and balanced nicely in my hands. All of the furniture has been purchased and final decisions have been made. Will be using a Chambers late Ketland lock, and all iron furniture. It will be fairly plain with no patch box. The iron butt plate, toe plate, nose cap and ramrod pipes will be darkened. It will be a fairly slender rifle when completed with double set triggers. Really excited to see it start to take shape soon and will post some photos once the barrel is fitted into the stock and as it progresses.
I built a SMR kit from TOTW a couple years back using a 36 inch GM barrel .45 cal x 13/16s. I love this shorter lighter gun than are most full stock arms.