54. Went to the range today. 50 yards with 530 balls, .015 cabelas lubed patches, goex 27
70 gr - 1.85’
80 - 1.81
90 - 2.36
100 - 1.53
All 3 shot groups. Cleaned after the first six. Patches looked great. I have some tweaking to do, but really like it.
Nice rifle. If it loads easily try heavier patches and also .535 balls. These rifles will flat shoot when you get a good and tight patched ball in the charge range it likes.
Well, I attempted 535 balls with the same patch and could not get it started. Part of the tweaking will be 530 with .018 pillow ticking.
Also, I really like the trigger. No creep after set. I expected a bad one according to some comments I’ve seen.