No, on knive handles but have checkered many rifle and pistol stocks.
All one needs is some hand tools from Dembart and lay out the pattern shape you want in grease pencil.
Then cut the master lines,generally at 6o degrees to each other and fill in with criss-cross checkering lines bringing then to a point until the full pattern laid out with the grease pencil is completed.
Add the same wood finish and work it in with a tooth brush, let dry and your done.
You will need a right and left hand spacing tool and a 60 degree V tool.
20 lines to the inch would be about right for a knife handle I would think.
Practice a bit on a piece of walnut to get the hang of it as these will be small patterns and relatively easy to do.
Hear are some master line examples;
As you can see the full grain color comes right through the checkering.