Since Corona is still a worldwide problem , I , thanks God , can still go working , but must keep my social contacts really low .
Therefore , as lots of You , too , I have a handful of spare time , when I have to stay at home , which I like to use for still making some goodies , which I wanted for long .
This time , I decided , it would be nice to have a patch knife , which could also serve for everyday use .
After a little search , I found a photo of an old catalan knife , which I thought , would serve pretty well . I love blades of about 4 " long .
Here I must add , that , on one hand , it is not common here in Germany , to carry a fixed knife , and , on the other hand , I also love folders .
Fortunately , I've found a tiny piece of scrap Böhler N690 stainless steel .
This steel is an alloy with a content of some cobalt , which helps to form very tiny carbides , when it is hardened/annealed .
I'm aware, that this steel isn't period correct , but - so what ! Being a little hard to sharpen , it takes an even finer edge as a pure carbon alloy , like O1 , blade !
A good friend of mine heat treated it for me to 59 HRC ( thanks to [email protected] ) .
The handle scales and bolsters , i filed from some scrap stainless steel , silver soldered , and the handle slabs are from some stag , which I was gifted from a good friend , who has hunted it in Alsace/France .
I think , it came out pretty nice and I already carry it in my pocket !
It still needs some better polish of the blade , but that's something to come , soon .
I've already added this post on my previous post " goodies , I like to own " but am not sure , if it's better placed here .
Thanks for watching , enfield
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Therefore , as lots of You , too , I have a handful of spare time , when I have to stay at home , which I like to use for still making some goodies , which I wanted for long .
This time , I decided , it would be nice to have a patch knife , which could also serve for everyday use .
After a little search , I found a photo of an old catalan knife , which I thought , would serve pretty well . I love blades of about 4 " long .
Here I must add , that , on one hand , it is not common here in Germany , to carry a fixed knife , and , on the other hand , I also love folders .
Fortunately , I've found a tiny piece of scrap Böhler N690 stainless steel .
This steel is an alloy with a content of some cobalt , which helps to form very tiny carbides , when it is hardened/annealed .
I'm aware, that this steel isn't period correct , but - so what ! Being a little hard to sharpen , it takes an even finer edge as a pure carbon alloy , like O1 , blade !
A good friend of mine heat treated it for me to 59 HRC ( thanks to [email protected] ) .
The handle scales and bolsters , i filed from some scrap stainless steel , silver soldered , and the handle slabs are from some stag , which I was gifted from a good friend , who has hunted it in Alsace/France .
I think , it came out pretty nice and I already carry it in my pocket !
It still needs some better polish of the blade , but that's something to come , soon .
I've already added this post on my previous post " goodies , I like to own " but am not sure , if it's better placed here .
Thanks for watching , enfield
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