Yes, it still available. Thanks for the questions.Price drop to $790.00. Will take PayPal and pay half shipping and insurance. Thanks for asking.
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Yes, it still available. Thanks for the questions.Price drop to $790.00. Will take PayPal and pay half shipping and insurance. Thanks for asking.
Thanks…. This is in great condition….These older Navy Arms 12 gauges are FAR lighter, handier, and better quality than current Pedersoli shotguns.
EXCELLENT deal here guys!!
what length barrelsPietta Navy Arms sxs 12 gauge. Shot four times, cleaned and put in safe. Life happened. Very good shape, all blue and case hardened colors are there. Only issue had a small chip in walnut in front of right lock was repaired years ago. Box that was shipped to me states Magnum but is a standard 12 gauge gauge. $825.00 half of shipping. No PayPal. PM for further information or pictures. Thanks
28”what length barrels
Thanks for the questions.
I am all but certain that this gun is a Pietta, not a Pedersoli. The lock plates are different.Thanks for the reply! That's very interesting. I have a circa 1970s model that is 5 pounds 12 ounces. I have an 80's 90's and 2000's models and they all weigh 7 pounds 4 ounces. I didnt know there was one that was in-between weight. I'm really looking for another 5 pound something late model. Maybe mine are the same weight because all mine are Pedersoli. Hmmmm......
Make offer…..AND.... the barrel has that stamped in as well. I would raher have that than a new Ped myself.
Understand…My offer today would embarrass me. But I do have a few tradables?
Yes, it is still available. And thanks for the questions and interest.Understand…trying to thin the herd…. Not interested in trades ….. thanks though for the response…..
Mark as sold.Yes, it is still available. And thanks for the questions and interest.
Or if you have a worn dime.My recollection is that a dime won't fit into a full choke shotgun barrel, but it will fit snugly into a modified and somewhat loosely into an improved cylinder. This is not a good test for a jug choked barrel.
Yes! It also assumes that the actual bore is .729, which is not always the case. The old Pedersolis were roughly .710, and a lot of modern target guns are overbored closer to .740.My recollection is that a dime won't fit into a full choke shotgun barrel, but it will fit snugly into a modified and somewhat loosely into an improved cylinder. This is not a good test for a jug choked barrel.