Thanks for your recipe. A couple qustions if you don't mind. I'm working on my first build and very nervous about messing up a pretty piece of wood!
You mentioned wrought iron in your recipe, so naturelly I Google wrought iron. From what I gather, wrought iron doesn't have any carbon it it (or very low). Can I use nails, cast iron, or other things that I have seen suggested? You prefer not to use steel wool?
Next, you say you apply two coats, do you stain the whole stock then blush, or stain/blush small areas at a time? How should a greenhorn do it? Do you let the aqua fortis dry for a period of time before blushing? I'm assuming wiskering between coats of aqua fortis.
Then neutralize with household ammonia. Just cotton swab the stock, same as the aqua fortis? No need to wisker after neutralizeing?
Thanks for your help, I saw your stuff (artwork) at Lewisburg and if I can get this wood and metal to look half as good as yours, I'll be happy!