Sorry, but when bears intrude and either kill or are near livestock, or going for feeders, they are hunting, period. They are apex predators, not yogi cartoon characters. And once they intrude and investigate, they WILL comeback unless the source is taken away, or placed way out of access. Dont forget, wild, apex predators. Bears kill and main humans every year. Not a anti bear comment, its the truth. If you go near thier food source or cubs, they can often attack.
Yes, I have had at least three times when my hens were wiped out, and lost 3 goats in one attack. And thats with allot of care and what I thought would keep bears out. They are very adapt at findng ways in, and many times you cant even see how they got in. Yes, they can open car and house doors as well
Feeders and potential food sources attract them. As far as that neighbor goes that may/may have not killed one, you dont have a clue why...... And if you think they are cute witrh kids around, one might want to focus on why they are REALLY there, and the potentail risks involved