Does wouldn't necessarily be without antlers. Acquaintance of mine shot an antlered doe (a product of "better living through chemistry", I suspect). His wife posted a photo to Facebook, after which he got a call from the DNR and lost his hunting license privileges for 5 years because he didn't have a doe tag. I would think there would be some leniency in that type of situation, but apparently some folks enjoy being tyrants.
Moral of the story is that you'd better check between the legs of the next "monster buck" you shoot. Maybe we'll have to start getting LGBTQIA (and however many letters there are in that alphabet soup now) deer tags, just in case. Could get interesting now that there are 89 different genders, and we won't know which one the deer we shoot actually is. Might also have to ask the deer what their pronouns are first. 8^)