New Barrell,Old Barrell??

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58 Cal.
Aug 12, 2003
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I looked inside a Barrell yesterday,16 years old Green Mtn barrell.The breach plug was pulled so I had a good look with a light too.The muzzle end down about 2/3's of the barrell looked perfect.Just like it had been polished over the years.The breach 1/3rd looked like it had some roughness in the grooves.There was an obvious "Ring" where the Ball sets(I am assuming that just from repeted use with the same powder charge)Does anyone know if there is roughness in the grooves of a new Barrell?It seems to have started ripping patches lately.Anyone got any observations?
A new barrel should not have roughness in the bore, but many will have tiny burrs, especially on the edges of the lands. A little 0000 steel wool on a rod will usually remove these without any harm to the bore. I would not use anything more aggressive, unless this does not work. If the 16 year old barrel is yours, then I would say, lead plug lap it from the breech to about half way up, concentrating most of the process to the lower section, until you remove most, or all the roughness depending on how bad it is.
Does anyone know if there is roughness in the grooves of a new Barrell?
I've seen some new barrels that were just awfull, depends on who made them and what kind of day they were having.
I'd go with Wick's advice and lap it out, or send it to Bob Hoyt and have it freshed out.

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