Thanks!your horns are also magnificent. Thanks for showing us
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Thanks!your horns are also magnificent. Thanks for showing us
Hi shoots Scott- your comment is very kind, and thank you. I agree that there is little to go on by way of photographs and detailed descriptions of the FdC. There are certain elements common to them that helps. My best resource to learn about these guns is on this and another Longrifle forum, by some very qualified members with outstanding skills in building. There are a few books out that I need to get certainly as well!awhen you posted pics of your beautiful build it was a wonderful surprise.
I'd been searching the web for information on and pictures of FDC's; trying to learn as much as I could, as quickly as I could.
I traded for one, to use reenacting, about a month ago. Judging by pics and descriptions of the commercially available (not gunsmith -built)I thought that it was beautifully made. When I saw your pics, my new benchmark was set.
I thought mine beautiful, but yours - Wow!
Should yo ever tire of horning or bag crafting, you clearly have an alternative. True craftsmanship!
Thank you!Man oh man beautiful!
I knew next to nothing about them when the chance came up to get mine. I needed something to use reenacting in the F&I period.Hi shoots Scott- your comment is very kind, and thank you. I agree that there is little to go on by way of photographs and detailed descriptions of the FdC. There are certain elements common to them that helps. My best resource to learn about these guns is on this and another Longrifle forum, by some very qualified members with outstanding skills in building. There are a few books out that I need to get certainly as well!
I like this kit offered by Pecatonica though like any kit gun there are issues we face. But building them ( this is only my 2nd Fusil de Chasse kit gun from Pecatonica) is enjoyable and it’s a worthy gun to own. I have thoroughly enjoyed shooting mine.
Yeah, for about 30 years, except for reenacting, all I shot were longrifles. I did make one Fusil de Chasse for myself several months ago. It's the top one in the photo below. The other one is going to her new owner in Michigan soon.I knew next to nothing about them when the chance came up to get mine. I needed something to use reenacting in the F&I period.
The FDC is perfect. It's lighter than a Bess or the French military fusil; shoots w/ amazing accuracy w/ a wadded .60 ball or a patched smaller ball (of course, reenactment events are all with unwadded blanks but I want to be able to shoot targets and woods walks or hunt with anything I have); and frees me from a military persona. Besides, w/ it's weight and balance - and a fine design - it's just generally fun to shoot.
I've been collecting titles of books to read on FDC's, but that'll take time.
If you haven't, you should keep one for yourself.
ThanksI I forgot to post it (oops) but that Fusil de Chasse was sold a while agoI just saw your ad, beautiful gun, best of luck!