New Flintlock Match Rifle Build

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Feb 3, 2017
Reaction score
North Florida
Here is my latest build from scratch. I built it for occassional hunting and for shooting in the flintlock matches. It is a fine piece of walnut wood and the hardware is brass. The rear sight is an adjustable Kensight and the front a standard blade. The 36" barrel is a 50 caliber Green Mountain, 1" across the flats, 1-70 twist. The lock is the Mike Miller designed, Buck Ridge produced Late Ketland they recently came out with and I really like it so far. It is very fast and smooth. The triggers are Bob Roller produced. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

What does that piece of brass nailed on the side do?
It has two functions or actually three. First, it helps cover where a ragged piece of wood got ripped out by an over aggressive wood rasp and I did not want to try to patch it. I don't believe a wood patch could have been successfully installed due to the irregular shape of the piece and with this stock, any wood inlay repair would have been very noticeable. Second, it covers a whole lot of lead that has been added to give weight to the butt stock. Third, it is meant to make others wonder what is it? I thought long and hard about adding the fake patch box lid and decided it would drive people to all kinds of conclusions.

So it is a patch box lid that has been screwed on and has a special key to open it. The key is secured inside the lid.

Mike, it is the best fix I could come up with. And I was able to add even more weight which is very important to me. I do not have any use for a real patch box, so I decided to make the best I could of the situation. Other than that, it is a piece of brass on the butt stock to cover a bad tear and a lot of lead. If you can help me come up with a better answer, I would sure appreciate it.