New guy from NY

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32 Cal.
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Hi Guys!
I'm new to the forum, but learned something new already-
that there's an ML club in my county, [Dutchess NY], that
I didn't even know about!
I'm over 50,and not that new to ML, but lately have been more interested than ever, I guess because of so much new
stuff and more people taking them seriously. Lately I'm
into the modern ones but can certainly appreciate them all
if they're good quality and shoot straight.
Looking forward to being part of the forum,
Welcome Celler Dweller. Glad to have you here at this forum. Lots to learn & a lot to share here.
celler dweller,
welcome to the forum glad to have
you on board. lots of friendly folks and a lot
of information here :imo: that will help you when
you are converted to the traditional side of b/p
shooting which i hope you will be, but by all means
enjoy what you have now. hope you will contribute
whenever you can.
again welcome and stay active
I am snake-eyes :thumbsup: :) :peace:
Hey there celler dweller, welcome aboard!
Glad to have you with us.

IM jaybe :thumbsup:
Welcome to the best muzzleloading site on the net, hope you enjoy yourself! :thumbsup: :redthumb:
Hey Snakeyes,
I don't really need converting, I've had a Renegade per.
for 20 yrs. But lately been enjoying my Super 91 I got
recently. Never shot flint but I'll get around to it some-
time, never shot a .32 cal either, but for some reason it's
next to my display name - how about .45 or .50 ?
Welcome to the forum, I'm sure you'll have a good time here. I'd recommend trying the flintlock as soon as possible. :haha:

The .32 caliber designation is based on the number of posts you've made.


Prepare yourself for a fun & informative experience!

never shot a .32 cal either, but for some reason it's
next to my display name - how about .45 or .50 ?

As stated before, it's a post rank to go along with a member's title...

Posts Title
0 = Greenhorn
1 = 32 cal.
50 = 36 cal.
100 = 40 cal.
500 = 45 cal.
1000 = 50 cal.
1500 = 54 cal.
2000 = 58 cal.
2500 = 62 cal.
3000 = 69 cal.
4000 = 70 cal.
5000+ = 75 cal.
Cellar Dweller, where do you live in Dutchess County. I am over on the Ct border. Maybe we can get together some time. I have been shooting muzzleloaders for over 30 years and have been rendezvousing for over 20.
Hi rabbit,
I'm over here in Beacon,not all that far from you,the
problem is - I'm recuperating from surgery and in about a month, closing on house and moving out of state - to SC.
So I got a lot going on and the timing of these things
isn't the greatest but there wasn't much I could do about it.
Precious few places to hunt around here, that's one reason
I'm moving, where you are it must be a little better.
If for some reason your in this area in the next couple
weeks, let me know and we can BS about ML or if not just
BS on the forum
Cellar Dwellar, sorry to hear you have to leave the area. Yes it is getting harder and harder to find places to hunt around here. I have been lucky, I have hunted the same place since 1975. I also belong to a local gun club that owns/leases a lot of property.
I happen to work in Beacon, so I am in your area it seems daily. I work at Chemprene which is on Rt 52 right after the welcome to Beacon sign.
celler dweller
Where in the S.C. are you moving to?I am on the N.C. @ S.C. line in Brunswick county maybe we both could find a place to shoot blackpowder around here ,public ranges wish I could find one
Celler Dweller, I lived in Sumter, South Carolina for 4 years, nice area except no fall season to boast about like up north...

Course, we have no spanish moss either...

Hey Celler Dweller, I have an avatar for you is you want it, let me know...

Small world, Rabbit. I worked there myself, way back when
they moved there,started in the old "Rubber Shop" as it was
called years ago.
I live about a minute from there. Stop in after work some
time next week if you can [not Tues] One block past park,
R turn Maple St. white house all the way down. If the red
toyotas' there I probably am
Looking for a house in the Greenville-Spartenburg area.
Have relatives there and hope to find some work and a
house soon. I'm at that awkward age, old but not old enough
to retire,but anyway, escaping from NY will be nice.
Sounds like your a ways east,must be built up more there.
Where I'm headed I think I can find room to hunt,just wonder
if there's anything to hunt there. From what I hear there
aren't many deer there, I don't know why. It'll take some
time but If there's ranges or great hunting there I'll let
you know
Spanish moss - is that the same as Kudzo? [sp?]
The avatar doesn't show too good so I'll pass on it,but
thank you anyway

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