Although I still am an avid squirrel hunter, I have not had a squirel dog for some years. I have
used a few beagles a couple of currs but by far the best and last I had was a little weinner dog.
She was my wife's lap dog until she saw my .32,then and only then she was my squirrel dog.
Her name was Nibbie and could not smell her own
butt, but had the eyesight of an eagle. Could not get much more than a foot off the ground, but thought she could climb trees. You that know
squirrel dogs, will know what I'm talking about,but she had three yips(barks).(1) I'm looking (2)I found it (3) yip,yip double yip,shoot it or I'll go find someone that will.
Damn I miss that dog's sence of humor.
Squirrel dogs don't get trained,they train
you.IMO and everyone has a different way of training you. I'm glad God gave them to us.