New TC Hawken sights

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Dec 17, 2023
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I'm sure these have been discussed on here. But, I wanted to reenforce it a bit. I'm "old" and cant see without 2.5 readers on. I have been popking around peep sights for months. Finally settled on one and purchased the RMC closed peep from OxYoke. Wow, its a 100% improvement. I can clearly see my front blade and my target with no blur. I waited way too long to improve that situation. Looking very forward to tuning them in and again shooting beyond 30 yards :)

If you're riding the peep sight fence, buy them. No regrets.
Same thought crossed my mind. Last night I walked outside at about the darkest time I would take a shot at a critter. I could easily see my front blade and target at 50 yards. I didn't walk back farther because I was very satisfied at 50. .
I'm sure these have been discussed on here. But, I wanted to reenforce it a bit. I'm "old" and cant see without 2.5 readers on. I have been popking around peep sights for months. Finally settled on one and purchased the RMC closed peep from OxYoke. Wow, its a 100% improvement. I can clearly see my front blade and my target with no blur. I waited way too long to improve that situation. Looking very forward to tuning them in and again shooting beyond 30 yards :)

If you're riding the peep sight fence, buy them. No regrets.
just ran across this and looked them up. I’m interested. How do they mount? Do you replace the rear sight?
I paint the rear facing blade of my front sight white when I am hunting in the evening, I can see it way past legal shooting light. I black out my sight if I am hunting in the morning, I can't see the white front sight or a polished brass front in the sunlight.
Yes, replace the rear sight entirely with the RMC sight. Very quick and easy to install. If your rifle is already tuned then its pretty easy to slide the peep into a perfect position with the front blade. A few shots to be sure and its good to go.
Yes, replace the rear sight entirely with the RMC sight. Very quick and easy to install. If your rifle is already tuned then its pretty easy to slide the peep into a perfect position with the front blade. A few shots to be sure and its good to go.
Thanks. I may give it a try. I put a peep on one of my unmentionable revolvers and it made a world of difference for my older eyes.