New to Muzzleloading

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32 Cal
Feb 19, 2024
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Hello, I’m new to muzzleloading I got a traditions blunderbuss kit around November. I sanded the stock down a little and cold blued the barrel. First time I’ve ever done anything like this Bought some pyrodex rs powder and a no. 11 cap maker from 22lrreloader also made a ramrod from a 1/2 dowel rod. I’m using some old cap gun rolls to fill the empty percussion caps and I’ve test fired a couple without any powder and I believe it’s enough to set off the powder. But I have yet to actually go out to fire any .53 round balls
Welcome from Wisconsin. Looks like a lot of fun, but be carful of that dowel as a ramrod, it is best to get a strait grain hickory, or a Derlin rod. I get my ramrods from Track of the Wolf or Log Cabin shop, they both have good selections of both. I have a TOTW Derlin rod with a .54 cleaning jag that has Tracks bullet puller under it. Very handy and I consider it the best bullet puller on the market.