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M.D. I will definitely have to add height to the front post. I'm not about to take a file to barrel. My God the capping device and seating depth caused me to have mental mechanical aptitude failure. Can you image what I'd do with a file. Would soon convert the 7.5 inch barrel to a Sheriff's model. :haha: :haha:
If your front sight is pinned you can contact Ruger who will send you a .45 Colt Blackhawk sight for free.

Your pistol was shooting RBs high? Mine shoots my boolits high, and I got that front sight but haven't replaced it yet.

My pistol seems to shoot 35 grns of 3F the best, though I've only worked in increments of 5 starting with 25 grns as I feel that's about the minimal with an energetic powder to get humane results for a hunting pistol.
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I think I'm gonna order the round ball molds. Cast a few .457 and look at the result. If I need to raise the front Ill go with the Black Hawk. I think I saw where you can remove roll pin drill from either side the install new pin if necessary. I can probably do that.
Wondering if the Kaido need taller front sight. Looks like penetration is off the chart with those pills and Triple Seven. Also don't know if Triple seven ignites as well as black powder. Holds moisture, etc in a hunting situation. I'm like a pretty girl at the dance. Can't stay focused with all the possibilities. Will focus on getting round ball on target, then play around with conical again.
I have come to really appreciate Mike B's videos and wish he was my neighbor. With the home machine shop I have here I expect we could ruin a lot of guns together with test ideas and modifications. :rotf:
Just kidding about ruining guns but certainly testing new ideas and doing the gun work to try them out.
One of his best videos to me is the cap sucking prevention mods on the Colt open frame guns, as I never liked his idea of plugging the pin notch in the hammer nose.
I didn't know they made replaceable sight blades for ROA's, mine certainly is not although I have a late model Biesley in 45 Colt that does.
Ahem. You can ASK Ruger for replacement front sight. :yakyak:

GETTING one is another thing. :hmm:

I've been getting ignored by Ruger about a higher foresight for well over thirty years, so I reckon I'm pretty much a professional getting-ignored-by-Ruger person.

But then, living over here doesn't help, with gun parts like foresights being counted by your gubmint as weapons of mass destruction and subject to ITAR.

In general the heavier the projectile the higher on the target you'll be.

I began using the Pyrodex my father gave me, which I loathe. Since my guns are meant for hunting I expect a humane amount of velocity/energy, which excludes most powders. I began using 3F Triple 7, which works quite well. I wanted to try real BP, but couldn't find any locally. Eventually I couldn't even get 3F T7 so went online and found both Swiss and Olde Eynsford by Goex which all give similar higher velocities. I mostly use Olde E these days as it's cheaper and gives me the same results.
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I got one from Ruger for my Biesly with no trouble but they would be simple to cut out with a hacksaw and file to fit from bar stock if no machinery was available.
I never liked Pyrodex as well and use Goex and Swiss regularly.
Ever try any 4F in the Rugers for ball or bullets?
I don't know if that would be safe or not but expect so as the Ruger are investment cast 4140 chrom-moly I believe.
It would be a good thing to call Ruger about before trying it!
My ROA 7.5 stainless, shoots a round ball just fine. In fact it is on par with my 45's at 25 yds. I forgot the powder charge, but I'm using Black MZ powder and #10 Remington caps. I'm using an over powder wad. I'm thinking 30+ grains, which is a tight fit in the cyl.

I've shot a lot of handguns, over the years, so the ROA is pretty easy on the recoil, compared to what I'm used to.

I've been tempted to hunt with it, for a small deer. It qualifies for deer, during the regular season, but not during the muzzle loading season.

Pistols with 350 ft. pds. of muzzle energy for regular season. Pistols at least 50 cal. with at least 50 grs of powder and must be single shot, loaded from muzzle, for black powder.
I have not tried 4F. Ruger states you can load it to the hilt with 4F without concerns. 4F was used in paper cartridges behind conicals too. I wouldn't be too concerned though I wouldn't jump into max loads with it either. Despite the lawyers I'm not one to go against the manufacturers too much.
Can't use a revolver here for muzzleloading season as a primary weapon. That is unless it's an exotic... However outside of that it's all good to use. You can use a .22 center fire too...
I've had an Old Army for many years. Studied them thoroughly when I was interested in them. I've heard all the internet unfounded "facts". Heard all the rumors about Bill Ruger shooting one with cylinder crammed full of bullseye powder etc.. etc. etc. Never did I see Ruger the actual company advocate any 4f loads, it sure isn't in the manual I have. My advice is, if you want a 44 Mag., get a 44 Mag. Enjoy the ROA for what it is and quit trying to make it something it is not.
I concur with you. From what I've seen with penetration tests a properly designed conical at 900 FPS will do all I want it to do and that can be done with fffg or non compression Triple Seven. But boys will be boys.
So yesterday I ordered a Lee double round ball mold and last night Kaido called me back. I will hustle off a postal money order and play with the molds when they come in. We spent way more time discussing the ills of the world than black powder bullets. Kinda made me feel bad about my great, great Grandfather, Tobe Ficklin trying to shoot those northern boys in the 1860's. But in the end they nearly whipped us. :surrender:
Funny as Ruger sent me a manual a few years ago when they sent me a Blackhawk front sight. On page 10 it clearly states one can use any granulation from 1F to 4F. Maybe you should poke around a bit more.

I, too, have read that Bill used smokeless, and I've seen it printed in a book. I don't own that book, but it is now on one of these forums in a thread similar to this one. Again, maybe you should poke around a bit more.

Not really sure where you get off making any sort of claim that I'm trying to magnumize my guns. Though I use more energetic powders I use 3F and 35 grns, which is hardly a max load. You are barking up the wrong tree.

Seems you are wrong on all three counts...

Here's the online manual. It shows it on page 9:
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That's good enough for me and was what I expected as I have read they are made of 4140 CM alloy in blue and similarly strong stainless steel alloy.
I generally use 3f but with the conicals for hunting it seems a good option for as humane a kill as possible.