MikeC, that does work very well that way. It will probably give you the tightest possible pattern for your gun. But like many things, there are trade offs. If you are only going to be shooting a very min. of times, you will not have any problems and it is the best way to go. But, if you intend to be shooting allot, the bore will get caked up in a hurry and you will either swab the bore, of use some sort of way to lube the barrel as you load. I do not use a lubed cushion for turkey hunting, as I know I will not be shooting much at all. For clay and doves though, I know I will be shooting allot and I use the mentioned lubed cushion. Using just over shot cards works real simple, I just don't want to count them out. I just reach in the bag where the over powder cards are at and send one down the bore. Simplicity is in the eyes of the beholder. One great thing about using a muzzleloading shotgun in the field is that you leave no trash. A cartridge gun, always has the hulls to contend with. Leaving hulls on the ground, is just like so much other litter. It all needs to be picked up and hauled out. But with these front stuffers, there is no litter. I love it!