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NoDeer No More!!

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No Deer

45 Cal.
Nov 9, 2004
Reaction score
Hi everyone
Yesterday was last day of late deer season here in Michigan, doe only. I went with StumblinBuffler and a few other friends. I was on a stand and three of the guys were driving. Suddenly about 12 came running by me full speed, shot but missed one of the lead does. Looked out across a swamp and there were another dozen crossing the swamp too far from me. I found out a few minutes later that they were headed towards Stumblin (I will let him elaborate if he cares to as I did not see what happened). I heard a shot followed by crashing and splashing coming down the swamp. They passed by me about 20 yards out at full speed again. Being the quick witted fellow that I am, and knowing how far it would be to drag one back out, I calmly picked out the smallest one in the herd and fired :crackup: Well even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then, and I got lucky. Caught that little doe just in back of the right shoulder, destroyed both lungs, and exited just in front of the left shoulder. She went about 50 feet and piled up. Well, I let out a hoot and a holler, NO DEER NO MORE!! :crackup: :crackup:
I was in full primitive dress, carrying my 20 ga. french fusil flintlock shooting a .60 patched round ball with 65 gr. fffg goex black powder. Funny thing was, the entrance hole was bigger than the exit hole. Couldn't figure that out, unless it was the angle of the shot elongated the entrance.
We dragged it about halfway out and stopped to clean it. One of our friends had the ashes of his dear departed friend which he then spread to the four winds, I said a little prayer for the spirit of the deer and another friend sprinkled some tobacco. We started a fire, sliced and roasted the heart and some of the rump steak and soaked in the experience. It was a first for me while completly in primitive dress, and I know it won't be the last time.
All in all was a wonderful day with good friends.
Congrats!!!! That is so cool and great to hear! I am jealous actually...LOL~

I want to thank you for having me up and giving me the red carpet tour of the Smoothbore this past friday. It was almost too much fun and now my wife is very nevrous as she is watching me page through TOTW & the Dixie ctalogue searching for a possible toy.

I want to comend you on opening your house and sharing all your knowledge, power and roundballs. Its seems harder and harder to find genuine folks these days but you proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that they exist.

Again, kudos to you and your harvest...so, this does however beg the question...what's your new name going to be??? LOL

Hi everyone
Yesterday was last day of late deer season here in Michigan, doe only. I went with StumblinBuffler and a few other friends. I was on a stand and three of the guys were driving. Suddenly about 12 came running by me full speed, shot but missed one of the lead does. Looked out across a swamp and there were another dozen crossing the swamp too far from me. I found out a few minutes later that they were headed towards Stumblin (I will let him elaborate if he cares to as I did not see what happened). I heard a shot followed by crashing and splashing coming down the swamp. They passed by me about 20 yards out at full speed again. Being the quick witted fellow that I am, and knowing how far it would be to drag one back out, I calmly picked out the smallest one in the herd and fired :crackup: Well even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then, and I got lucky. Caught that little doe just in back of the right shoulder, destroyed both lungs, and exited just in front of the left shoulder. She went about 50 feet and piled up. Well, I let out a hoot and a holler, NO DEER NO MORE!! :crackup: :crackup:
I was in full primitive dress, carrying my 20 ga. french fusil flintlock shooting a .60 patched round ball with 65 gr. fffg goex black powder. Funny thing was, the entrance hole was bigger than the exit hole. Couldn't figure that out, unless it was the angle of the shot elongated the entrance.
We dragged it about halfway out and stopped to clean it. One of our friends had the ashes of his dear departed friend which he then spread to the four winds, I said a little prayer for the spirit of the deer and another friend sprinkled some tobacco. We started a fire, sliced and roasted the heart and some of the rump steak and soaked in the experience. It was a first for me while completly in primitive dress, and I know it won't be the last time.
All in all was a wonderful day with good friends.

A great story about a great time for a great memory...Congratulations!
Lee thankyou for the kind words. It was my pleasure to take you out and preach the blessing of pure shooting: flint and real black powder in a smoothbore. I am glad that you had a good time and I hope that we will be able to get together again sometime soon.
As far as a new name, that is undecided at this time. Guess I will have to wait til I do sumpthin stoopid and get it the old fashioned way.... earn it :crackup: :crackup:

NoDeer(no more!)
Congrats on missing the first big one! That drag makes you appreciate those tender ones. :winking:

Sounds like a great time.
One of the best parts of that hunt was hearing No Deer scream YEEEEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! About three seconds after I heard the throaty bellow of that fuzee of his.

In 20 years of hunting I have never had a finer day, it's just like reported. Don was nice enough to leave out the part where my faithful 20ga hung-up on me something fierce, so here's that part of the story....

I was making my way slowly down the trail from a stand of sugar maples when I reached the convergence of three trails. I stopped, trying to best judge which way to go, and which way would be most advantageous to my friend No Deer hanging out down by the marsh. I didn't know exactly where he was, but I figured that he had to be close.

Something told me to stop. Call it primal instinct, call it the gentle hand of the Great Spirit, but don't call it luck because something just told me to stop right where I was.

Something began to rumble. Now, I remember taking my wife on her first hunt, and her excitement at hearing something thrashing around in the brush. "Is that a deer?" She whispered excitedly.

"No, it's a squirrel." I replied.
"How do you know?" She asked, a little dubious at the idea that a squirrel would make such a racket.
"Because I can hear it," I told her. "Deer are quiet as ghosts. They can sneak up and lick the back of your head before you hear them."

I remembered my words as the frozen ground began to tremble beneath my feet. It can't be what I think it is, can it?

I thought these words as the rumble became a roar and the first of more than 30 deer ran past to my right, then more to my left, then more behind me including a couple of respectable bucks. I felt like Kevin Costner as the buffalo charged past him!

Cooly I raised my gun. I hate running shots, hate the very idea of them, but at that range, there was no question that I could hit one. I picked a fat doe--I'm not as lazy as other folks--and calmly pulled the trigger......


I hung my head, ashamed, praying that I had not hit the deer, knowing that if I had, I would be looking for green, slimey blood, something that I have never had to do before.

Suddenly down the trail there was second explosion, and then the triumphant shout of "YEEEEE_HAAAAAW!!!!" I was very excited, knowing that No Deer would have to be renamed.

I still spent the better part of 20 minutes looking for blood and hair, just in case, and then joined the rest of my party....and the rest, as they say, is history....

No Deer is No Deer No More....

Now, he is VealMaker

So Sayeth the Buffler
We need PITCHERS!!!...

I think No Deer's new name should be "One Deer". Then it it could be changed to "Two Deer" and so on with each successful hunt. :imo:

Good story boys :thumbsup:
Well, I am not exactly without previous deer. Sadly I have to admit that last year I missed..um...more than once... hence the name NoDeer. I do have a nice young 13 point hanging on my living room wall that I got 5 years ago with my T/C Hawken .50 flintlock rifle.
Stumblin has said that he would forward pics to me today. If he wants to post some here, he can, I do not know how to do that yet. Just don't expect to see a trophy sized deer. It was small. Very small. So small that one of our partners picked it up with both front legs in one hand and both back legs in his other hand, tightroped across a 5 inch log laid across a stream and climbed up the bank on the other side. But, I could not be any happier with this deer due to the way that it was taken.
How about "Running Deer" since it was a running shot?

Runnin Deer??, that's a purrdy name :rolleyes:....No... wait a minute, I waz thinkin a "Runnin MOON", now that WAZ a purrdy un. :redthumb:.... :crackup:
One of our friends had the ashes of his dear departed friend which he then spread to the four winds, I said a little prayer for the spirit of the deer and another friend sprinkled some tobacco. We started a fire, sliced and roasted the heart and some of the rump steak and soaked in the experience. It was a first for me while completly in primitive dress, and I know it won't be the last time.
All in all was a wonderful day with good friends.

Good show! I do the same and have taught my son also to pay honor to the spirit of the deer and make a tobacco offering to its spirit. It is a gift from mother earth. Any deer that provides good memories is a trophy, be it a small youngster or a huge buck. There is more to a deer than its antlers :RO:
Then again Stumblinbuffler sayethed Veal Maker.

Would be cool to have one's ashes scattered by having one's friends load them in their rifles, and giving a last "21 gun salute". (which may only be a five, six, ten or whatever gun salute)
