When you folks need major surgery, or immediate and talented trauma care,,,, do you want the abrupt, to the point, no b.s. best surgeon the hospital has,,,, or will you settle for second best, or even worst (every hospital has a few and they still might be pretty good, just not the best) surgeon on staff because number 2 or number 5 is nicer?
We had a surgeon at the second to last hospital I worked at who was incredibly talented, amazing even, she was the one in her surgical field I would want working in a family member (in fact she operated on my mom eventually),,,,, but she was an absolute bitch (sorry if that offends but facts are facts). Informative to patients and families, but blunt,,, and very, very, rough on staff. But she was rough on staff mostly because she wanted what was best for her patients. Could she have gone about it better? Heck Yes! But she was still one of the best surgeons in the hospital.
I'm thinking many of you will risk the infection, or the arthroscopic or laproscopic surgery becoming heavily invasive.
So? Good advice, accurate criticism poorly delivered (maybe, this might depend on perspective),,,, or participation trophy and everyone gets a that-a-boy?