I always have to quietly chuckle at the modern shooters.
The Rambo's with their semi autos emptying the clip as fast as they can pull the trigger (and hitting the mountain...sometimes). (Target at 25 yards).
The Magnum Rifle shooters, laying out 20 rounds of Knockumdead's, shooting 5 of them and rubbing their shoulder as they pack up and go home. (Target at 100 yards).
The Magnum pistol shooters, gritting their teeth and closing their eyes as the gun fires. (Target at 10 yards).
The Semi-Auto pistol shooters who empty their clips as fast as possible (and hit nothing). (Target at 5 yards).
The IL muzzleloading Rifle shooter with his $1.20/sabot and 150 grains of pellet powder missing the 50 yard target with a scoped gun.
They of course look at me and my muzzleloader like I'm the weird one until they notice the 2 inch group of .54 cal holes thru the center of the target at 50 yards. :rotf:
I once had a modern CF rifle shooter shake his head from side to side and say "Those things are like fly fishing!" (more head shaking as he walked off.) :rotf:
IMO, like Fly Fishing, shooting Muzzleloading guns is just enjoying some of the best things in life.