Just my opinion but Id recommend upping your offer Mr Sublette, Pipestone / catlinite is getting very hard to come by and to legally obtain it it takes some planning and luck. Its been a while since i looked into it but best I can recall... You have to be an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe, put in a dig request (couple year wait), once approved you're assigned a 3 month block to which you can make your way to Minnesota and go remove x amount of stone by hand and no machinery is allowed. Ive heard there's decent usable pipestone here in Utah but ill be danged if I can figure out where other than "near Delta Utah", if you can figure it out ill help you dig it. Otherwise maybe look for an Indian store or trading post in your area, I know theres one in SLC that has it but a piece the size you're looking for would probably set you back $50+ (same place you can buy a crappy brain tanned deer hide for $900...)