OK, Where did they go?

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Apr 28, 2005
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I sold two of the Tower pistols from my "bucket of pistols" out here and have heard nothing back from the buyers. I want to know how they shoot and what you came up with for a load. I still have one and I am thinking of shooting it.
Pittsburghunter said:
I sold two of the Tower pistols from my "bucket of pistols" out here and have heard nothing back from the buyers. I want to know how they shoot and what you came up with for a load.

Have you tried contacting the buyers?
No, I threw this out in the pistol section because I figured even if I did not hear back from the gentlemen who bought them I may hear from someone else who has shot these pistols before.
Im not sure but from a sale I made on here Im about 100% sure some people are just getting on to ck whats for sale and never cking anything else on here. Fred :hatsoff:
I built a "Tower" pistol from a kit when I was a boy. I used to shoot it with about 30gr. of FFg and a teaspoonfull of BBs or the occasional marble, since I didn't have any rbs at the time. It did a number on milk jugs at about 5 yds, but never shot anything else with it.

I'm torn between leaving it like it is and actually redoing it to make it look right. One of these days I'm hoping I run across a cheap kit still left out there so that I can do a better one.
With a bit of lock tinkering and spring hardening they are fun toys. Till then you can try touching them off with a kitchen match (from behind...learned the exciting way) and a shooting marble as a ball! Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! Think I was about 15 then.