OP wads come in different thicknesses( See Track of the Wolf's on-line catalogue to see the various sizes), but generally, an eight-inch thick card is going to seal fairly well. I don't know anything about your .41 Mag bullet, so I cannot comment.
If you use a flat base bullet, there should be no problem using a hard OP wad as a sealer.Some shooters use extra wads as fillers, out of habits they acquire shooting BP cartridges with reduced loads.
If you are using a PRB( patched Round Ball) in the barrel, and center an oversized OP wad in your rifling, the gas pushing forward on the back of the card is met with the resistance cause by the friction between the lands and grooves of the barrel, and the edges of the card, so that some kind of equilibrium can be expected, as long as that card is centered, and the edge seal is not broken.
The experience I have had shooting PRB over an OP wad indicates that in a variety of calibers tested, the SDV is reduced remarkably, just as Roundball has reported, regardless of caliber or gauge of smoothbore.
The secret to success is using an oversized, or, if you are lucky, a properly sized, OP wad to your GROOVE diameter. Roundball's discovery that you can use a next-caliber-sized felt wool wad to get the same result is a boon to shooters who don't want to spend a lot time with a caliper, and then ordering various diameters of OP wads to see what works, or works the best.
So that you understand the significance of Roundball's posting here, concerning his SDV, there are many high velocity, 22 centerfire calibers where shooters would be ecstatic if they could get their SDV down to double digits. Single Digits would cause them to call for a pulmotor!
Single digit SDVs in BPC rifles have been shown for more than a decade, Steve Garbe wears a hat that says, " Smokeless powder is a passing Fancy!" , as he and his partner, Writer Mike Venturino, have reported SDVs as low as 4 fps, shooting 45 and 50 caliber rifles, and five shot groups at 200 yards using tang peep sights of 2-2.5 inches.
You won't get that kind of accuracy with a PRB at 200 yards, with or without an OP Wad, simply because the Ballistic's Coefficient of the Round ball is so terrible. But the RB is a very good short range projectile, and within its limitations, it does amazingly well. Just do what you have to in order to keep that gas behind the ball, and not cutting past it in the barrel.