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45 Cal.
Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
Well, I had lots of fun yesterday, opening day of ML season here. I went out with my .50 cal flintlock and my shooting pouch and just enjoyed the day. I didn't see anything until the evening when a little buck came by. I took a shot but badly yanked the trigger. I'm here to tell you that firing a flintlock inside a ground blind is exciting, and smokey! I searched for hair/blood for more than an hour and found none, which confirmed my estimation of a miss.

But still, it was a fun day and I'm looking forward to going out again next week.
Shooey said:
I searched for hair/blood for more than an hour and found none, which confirmed my estimation of a miss.
Kudos for the diligence...hopefully he's fine.
I'm looking forward to going out again next week.
Bucks started cruising during daylight hours more and more looking for hot Does here a few days ago...current full moon put a damper on daylight sightings for a couple days but the upcoming week should be outstanding...if ever there was a week to live in the woods here it's now...get back out as soon / as often as you can.
By Wed I think I'll be back out there with the smoothbore again. Surely there's a deer out there with my name on it. Saw only one deer (too far away) on opening day and am waiting for that love crazed buck.
So there's more to the story! I'm sitting in the same spot on Monday and here comes the same buck I shot at on Sat! Only he comes in looking VERY SPOOKY and looking at my blind the whole time. He gives me the head bob, and studies me for a bit and I stay still. He starts walking again and I pull the front trigger and pull the cock back to full cock.

The rifle made a very faint "tick!"

Well, that buck took off like I had thrown a tool box at him. I can't blame him though, I was glad to see him walking around again. :thumbsup:
glad to hear hes fine. the buck i shot about a month ago didnt leave any blood or hair of any kind. ontop of not leaving a trail he also managed to run around 150 yards before layen down.

im sure many would disagree with me but i believe once youve found your spot and arent moving around any more you should bring your rifle to full cock. this way when the deer shows up all you need to worry about is aiming and pulling the trigger or triggers if you use a set trigger.
