I plan on shooting it so I'm not to worried about the resale/collectible value. I purchased this pistol for less than half of what a new Pedersoli Lepage pistol would have cost. Besides loving a challenge I bought this pistol because the bore is nice and once the lock is outside of the stock it works great. Hooked breech, 40 caliber, no set trigger.
I thought about recessing the wood so the parts would fit better but I just wanted to see if there is any other option out there.
I don't know the Maker. There isn't any signature on the barrel or lock and the bottom of the barrel has a bit of old rust scale that has covered any mark that might have been there. The only marks are the # 1 on the top of the barrel near the breech and the trigger guard. There looks like ,in small uppercase lettering, The letters PE inside a rectangle on the base of the trigger guard. It is tough to really see them well. Otherwise no other markings. There is a good possibility that it is a belgin copy but I really don't know. I should have said it was a French "Style" Dueller.
Thanks Again