Original Sharps Carbine (Paper Cartridge)

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Jun 17, 2019
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Handled and admired a beautiful, original, Sharps Percussion Carbine recently; never issued, apparently, just aging on finish, wood perfect; merely commenting how pleasurable it is to touch such an historic piece. May be a breech loader, but it is black powder! The machining and stamped markings are jewel-like. Just sayin'!! ;) At the same show, there was a brand new Pedersoli replica of the same; either one would be welcome at an N-NSA meet!
You didn't take it home with you?!?!?
Ha! I'm past the high end collecting stage; his 'asking' was 2500 but could be got for less. It is and was an amazing thing to see in un-issued condition; remember the replicas are high cost, too, and I wonder if anyone would want to actually shoot a minty original, even the N-NSA boys.
I shoot my original '63 Sharps. Only mod I need is a taller front sight blade to shoot lower at 50 yards for competition.

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