Other ways of mesureing powder

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40 Cal.
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
What others ways are there of mesureing 40-50 grains of powder. I did order a powder messure, but comapny did'nt dispaly the fact it was out of stock, so it will be coming it about 5 days
I really wan't to use my Gun soon, so what else could I use to messure the powder?
Tea spoon, table spoon maybe?

You could do it by weight.
1 grain = 0.06479891 grams.

Please don't use a teaspoon or tablespoon. I'd hate for you to hurt yourself or your gun by being impatient....
Hope the wife doesn't find out. I just got the measuring spoons out washed then before putting them back up. 1TSP was right around 80 and 1/2 TSP was as expected around 40. Now don't mistake the Tea spoon and use the Table spoon. Tried a 2 liter soda cap and came up with about 105.
Look up in the search file on the forum and you will find rifle and pistol cases listed with the amount of BP each will hold. This would be the best way to go.
Fox :hatsoff:
Old timers used empty cartridge cases. For example, a .45-70 case holds 70 grains of FFg level full. Perhaps you have an old brass case? You could weigh out a charge then cut the case off at that level?

Ha, Silver Fox, Great Minds think alike!! :rotf:
You might try going to the range before you start to shoot and ask someone who is shooting blackpowder to measure the charge you are interested in. Pour the powder into an empty shell casing and then mark it. Make several if you can each of different amounts of powder. Mark each shell casing with the amount of powder it holds. Solder or epoxy a small loop of copper wire on the end of the casing and put a leather strap through it so it isn't so easy to lose in you shooting bag or box. Tie a button or bead onto the end of the leather strap so it doesn't look like everything else in your equipment. :hmm:
You are using black powder and NOT Pyrodex?? Pyrodex does not weigh the same and should be measured only by volume. Just something to think about :v .
I have empty, standard 12g shotgun cartridges. Would anyone be kind enough to messure this for me, and post the results
I don't wan't to just guess the ammount to go down the barrel, but I don't wan't to wait either.

Thanks once again Guys :thumbsup:
dukewellington said:
I have empty, standard 12g shotgun cartridges. Would anyone be kind enough to messure this for me, and post the results
I don't wan't to just guess the ammount to go down the barrel, but I don't wan't to wait either.

Thanks once again Guys :thumbsup:
Well, with a 12ga case all you can do is guess. It will contain 100s of grains, and not be useful at all unless you wish to overcharge your gun.....
There are allot of options for powder measures.

River cane, spent cartridges, drilled antler tips,
and even drilled holes in wooden dowels all work well. You do, however need some form of device to calibrate your measure.

In measuring a homemade adjustable measure that is 3/8 inch ID, Each 3/8 of an inch of the length of the charger measures right at 10 grains of 3F powder.

So, 4X.375= 1.5 So a 3/8 dia hole (9.53 mm)1 1/2 inch (38.10 mm)deep will throw right at 40 gr of powder.

5X.375=1.875 So a 3/8 dia (9.53 mm) hole 1 7/8 inches (47.63 mm)deep will throw 50gr of powder.

I wouldn't worry about being exact in your drilling and measuring. A few grains one way or another won't make much difference.

Good luck,
If I were to take a spent 12 gauge shotgun cartridge, and added pyrodex, at what point would the pyrodex come to?

Maybe half the cartridge?
I will assume you mean Tablespoon for TSP. When initializing, the correct abbreviation for tablespoon is Tbsp. and teaspoon is tsp. or for short T. and t. I am amazed that a Tablespoon is that much b.p. I can't visualize that in my feeble mind and can't wait to get home and measure for myself. In response to the Duke, you may want to try the old method of putting the ball in your cupped palm and pouring over just enough powder to cover the ball.
dukewellington said:
If I were to take a spent 12 gauge shotgun cartridge, and added pyrodex, at what point would the pyrodex come to?

Maybe half the cartridge?

It would come to whatever level you filled it to...Or am I misunderstanding your question?
A 12 ga hull will hold far, far more powder than you could safely fire. As to how high in the 12 ga hull a safe load way reach no one can guess because 12 ga hulls vary a great deal in the thickness of the base. The afore mentioned teaspoon measure should give you a safe starting point so you can get to making smoke but do use an actual measuring spoon, not just a piece of silverware.
Oh, and do strike the measure off level, don't try to guess at "a heaping spoonful". :haha:
Thanks Coyote you are right about a measuring teaspoon level not the common table silverware.
To dukewellington one teaspoon should be plenty for a 12Ga not more.
Fox :thumbsup:
Guettogun the measures I was using were marked TBS and TSP. You are right with the abbreviation. The smaller of the 2 is what I was using. The teaspoon measure was only to get him started until he can get a good volume measure in a few days. Its a pain trying to pour powder from one of the measures into something as small as a rifle bore without spilling a lot.
:hatsoff: Fox
Maybe you should just wait for the measure to arrive? Knowing exactly what you're putting down your barrel is important for working up an accurate load. Forget the shot-shell idea. If you must, I guess I'd use measuring spoons. Boy, you sure are anxious to hit the range! :grin:
I would do like Trench said and wait the few days for your powder measurer. It makes life a lot easier. Just don't do like on TV and pour directly from your horn.
Trench said:
Maybe you should just wait for the measure to arrive? Knowing exactly what you're putting down your barrel is important for working up an accurate load. Forget the shot-shell idea. If you must, I guess I'd use measuring spoons. Boy, you sure are anxious to hit the range! :grin:

dont guess. wait for your measure to arrive.

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