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Dear Rick. A very kind offer if these days sending anything remotley gun like gets into stupid anti gun customs ect but it is a lock might be ok I do have another not as good but earmarked to restore an original Shishoni stock I could smith out a spring but better if original. Cytens post just came in I get lost in all the terms but happy to try fathom them
.Regards to you both Rudyard
NZ customs said they are okay with locks for muzzleloaders/complete muzzleloaders, but you could always just call it a fancy cigarette lighter
Curious Thats at odds with their earlier stance but we do have a more sensible Govt now .So your saying I can ship in & out via post like we used to be able to. & I posted great quantises of barrels & guns in years past . The US post used to have a book rate if the books exceeded a heavy weight it was cheap.I bought a lot from Smoke & Fire one box was underweight & would thereby cost more ! I asked" How come" but I was able to buy more books so I exceeded their 'Book rate ' in effect the US post office bought me books ! .They reached UK & NZ in old mail bags whopping big ones marked not to be sent away just internally .& I could afford to send books & barrels they just went and reached destination No problem .Now ALL post is so high you cant but scarce afford it .Like guns & Swords I used to have ammo as ' Carry' on now it's all hasles its actually how I started with the trains Ide bought an original trade gun in Chester Arms fair took it to Boston but had' stood by' at Gatwick on a People's Express to Newark bloke asks what's in the wooden box ? I say its an antigue musket he has Kittens .So I say give me my money he did I go to Heathrow & BA had a Boston flight I say" You have no moral objection to an old musket ?"he says " No ' I land at Logan its late I drop the box to go Greyhound to Dayton take a subway to town ask a ticket man do you have a train to a rail yard? I explain he was amused He says "yes " & he gave me a ticket I allight find the Harvard yards & spying a starting up that wont be a West ward . I avail of a" Fully Air-conditioned observation car ' all night all next day till we hit what I think is Toledo( they don't tell you you appreciate) its dark I find a nearby 7/11 & ask two blokes" Where are we ? ".Ok fine go kip in the tall grass on the yards & run 127 ? to Greenville next morning . Curly G wouldn't pay enough & took it to F ship & got about a grand nice little earner! . So blame a snotty 'Peoples Express ' prawn for my introduction to the league of ' fellow travelers by rail' I should thank him its been a very handy introduction . The last train through my village went in 1955 so have to resort to the White card board sign with a small SVP Never failed but I am well known locally .At least we got an early trade gun in the tale ..
Railway ing Rudyard
Curious Thats at odds with their earlier stance but we do have a more sensible Govt now .So your saying I can ship in & out via post like we used to be able to. & I posted great quantises of barrels & guns in years past . The US post used to have a book rate if the books exceeded a heavy weight it was cheap.I bought a lot from Smoke & Fire one box was underweight & would thereby cost more ! I asked" How come" but I was able to buy more books so I exceeded their 'Book rate ' in effect the US post office bought me books ! .They reached UK & NZ in old mail bags whopping big ones marked not to be sent away just internally .& I could afford to send books & barrels they just went and reached destination No problem .Now ALL post is so high you cant but scarce afford it .Like guns & Swords I used to have ammo as ' Carry' on now it's all hasles its actually how I started with the trains Ide bought an original trade gun in Chester Arms fair took it to Boston but had' stood by' at Gatwick on a People's Express to Newark bloke asks what's in the wooden box ? I say its an antigue musket he has Kittens .So I say give me my money he did I go to Heathrow & BA had a Boston flight I say" You have no moral objection to an old musket ?"he says " No ' I land at Logan its late I drop the box to go Greyhound to Dayton take a subway to town ask a ticket man do you have a train to a rail yard? I explain he was amused He says "yes " & he gave me a ticket I allight find the Harvard yards & spying a starting up that wont be a West ward . I avail of a" Fully Air-conditioned observation car ' all night all next day till we hit what I think is Toledo( they don't tell you you appreciate) its dark I find a nearby 7/11 & ask two blokes" Where are we ? ".Ok fine go kip in the tall grass on the yards & run 127 ? to Greenville next morning . Curly G wouldn't pay enough & took it to F ship & got about a grand nice little earner! . So blame a snotty 'Peoples Express ' prawn for my introduction to the league of ' fellow travelers by rail' I should thank him its been a very handy introduction . The last train through my village went in 1955 so have to resort to the White card board sign with a small SVP Never failed but I am well known locally .At least we got an early trade gun in the tale ..
Railway ing Rudyard
When I looked into it last year and called and emailed them, NZ customs were amenable to replicas of antique muzzleloaders (specifically OK-ing matchlocks and wheellocks based of the museum photos I sent them for reference), it was all the shipping companies that were the problem. I do not know the laws for muzzleloaders in NZ and if they need to be registered before shipping and similar nonsense. US customs also allows them, but if I remember correctly, someone on the pre flintlock forum was forced by US customs to have their muzzleloader delivery from Europe sent to an FFL, so who knows what actually gets enforced or made up.
When I looked into it last year and called and emailed them, NZ customs were amenable to replicas of antique muzzleloaders (specifically OK-ing matchlocks and wheellocks based of the museum photos I sent them for reference), it was all the shipping companies that were the problem. I do not know the laws for muzzleloaders in NZ and if they need to be registered before shipping and similar nonsense. US customs also allows them, but if I remember correctly, someone on the pre flintlock forum was forced by US customs to have their muzzleloader delivery from Europe sent to an FFL, so who knows what actually gets enforced or made up.
Well the" If in doubt be negative" sorts don't know from Shineola definatly summed up last lot of left wing prawns here. There out but still stirring . Made us Vetted Liscenced shooters scape goat for gross police bungling but wont admit it just suited the commuinist bitch that was Prime minister .. Communist xxxxx I mean ! looks like we got rid if the xxxxs? on the forum .minor clitch I tried to get Etetry but got a lot of xxxx stuff I have some books for him & A dirk blade for Gus .they might pm me Regards Rudyard
When I looked into it last year and called and emailed them, NZ customs were amenable to replicas of antique muzzleloaders (specifically OK-ing matchlocks and wheellocks based of the museum photos I sent them for reference), it was all the shipping companies that were the problem. I do not know the laws for muzzleloaders in NZ and if they need to be registered before shipping and similar nonsense. US customs also allows them, but if I remember correctly, someone on the pre flintlock forum was forced by US customs to have their muzzleloader delivery from Europe sent to an FFL, so who knows what actually gets enforced or made up.
Yes, it's the shippers that are the problem. Same with most of Europe. They can make up their own rules of what they will and will not ship.

If Rudyard was going to send me a lock only, I would just mark the small box export description: "Antique Lock" and be done with it. If I were sending Rudyard a mainspring only, I would mark it: "Part for antique lock" and just ship it. Valuation for a complete lock maybe $50.00USD or a mainspring maybe $10.00USD. I did this a few times with a friend in Christ's Church, NZ. No problems.

Yes, it's the shippers that are the problem. Same with most of Europe. They can make up their own rules of what they will and will not ship.

If Rudyard was going to send me a lock only, I would just mark the small box export description: "Antique Lock" and be done with it. If I were sending Rudyard a mainspring only, I would mark it: "Part for antique lock" and just ship it. Valuation for a complete lock maybe $50.00USD or a mainspring maybe $10.00USD. I did this a few times with a friend in Christ's Church, NZ. No problems.

Dear Rick I think I know your friend in Ch Ch maybe bought a long Morrocan Kabyle.& a little B bus affair I restored .. My two very close regional locks seem near the same other than the edges of the one in the gun that cracked . Small World. Yes its the carriers like Fed Ex that whittle
Cheers Rudyard
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Ugh, FedEx. They REALLY pissed me off with that
Never mind you handled it admirably & we got there in the end

Re spring simplest plan might be send precise dims recieve just that and if suits' job done' if wildly out can return ?. I compared my two same region & style even to engraved work but not quite the same outer edges Ree markable close though . I presume Rick will read this thread .
Cheers Rudyard
Never mind you handled it admirably & we got there in the end

Re spring simplest plan might be send precise dims recieve just that and if suits' job done' if wildly out can return ?. I compared my two same region & style even to engraved work but not quite the same outer edges Ree markable close though . I presume Rick will read this thread .
Cheers Rudyard
Would be MUCH better to just send me the mainspring itself in one of those padded envelopes. Couldn't cost much. Other than appearance, the broke mainspring is not much good now. If I can match it very close with one of my parts locks, job done. I'll just mail both springs back to you.
If I can't get a close enough match, I'll send the spring to Jeff Miller or Earl Kathan and have them forge an identical spring. While this could be done with exact measurements and photos, it would be so much easier and faster to have the actual piece at hand.
One way or another, you'll end up with a working spring. But I'm betting I have one that will work.

Interesting Kubur with the largest date inscription I've seen. 1217 translates to 1802-1803. Barrel is identically marked as well. Not common to see the Turkish lock on pistols, and most of the ones I've encountered were frankensteins put together in the 20th century for decoration. But this looks much nicer than those.
Would be MUCH better to just send me the mainspring itself in one of those padded envelopes. Couldn't cost much. Other than appearance, the broke mainspring is not much good now. If I can match it very close with one of my parts locks, job done. I'll just mail both springs back to you.
If I can't get a close enough match, I'll send the spring to Jeff Miller or Earl Kathan and have them forge an identical spring. While this could be done with exact measurements and photos, it would be so much easier and faster to have the actual piece at hand.
One way or another, you'll end up with a working spring. But I'm betting I have one that will work.

Dear Rick you are right ile do that PM me the address please I already took the spring off & have a packet. Regards Rudyard
Dear Rick. Happen so . But non from you or Meriwhether also expected repley to her E letter PM whever just said" ime not allowed auto poop ! I paid for the update stuff very odd I hate E gajets Rudyard
Interesting Kubur with the largest date inscription I've seen. 1217 translates to 1802-1803. Barrel is identically marked as well. Not common to see the Turkish lock on pistols, and most of the ones I've encountered were frankensteins put together in the 20th century for decoration. But this looks much nicer than those.
View attachment 369118View attachment 369119
Hi Cyten

What a beautiful pistol. And in such wonderful condition. Most of these pistols are not dated. This one is indeed the most obvious large date. Not only the Turkish lock, but the silver decoration on the barrel looks very much Ottoman/Turkish. Even the relief on the butt cap looks Turkish. The inlays and general quality of workmanship is a notch better than most of the typical Balkan made pistols. It would not surprise me if this pistol is 100% Turkish made versus one of the many gun shops in the Balkans. Very nice example of Turkish workmanship.
I have a flintlock pistol that I believe was also all-Turkish made.

Tin or silver wrapped stock Shishane with the Trabzon decorated lock

2 Palace guard Shishanes and a nice, relatively plain example with the early sling ring on the right side.

Beautiful Kabyle and ivory stocked Shishane

Algerians shouldering their Kabyles

Tunisia 1912 what looks like a flintlock Kabyle

These next photos all come from Algeria.

You may notice that the men in these photos look more European than North African/Arabic. Algeria was a hot bed for piracy and the Barbary Slave Trade, where European Christians were captured at sea or by raids. It was also a place European pirates could find safe haven, if they converted to Islam. The most famous of which was the English pirate Jack Ward, whom Jack Sparrow is supposedly based on. There were around a million European slaves in the 17th century, many of whom were freed after converting to Islam as well and going on to be important member of society.
The Barbary Pirates attacks led to the USA fighting their first major war in the Arab world. This Kabyle was presented to Thomas Jefferson in 1805 after the First Barbary War

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