I sincerely hope that they grow to appreciate the time, effort and quality of your work (and the love) before their youthful negligence causes hopeless damage!A ways back, I purchased a couple of really, really cheap horns for my then 9 and 13 year old nephews, basically to use as toys. I overhauled one for the eldest a several years ago. However, I forgot to take any pictures of the horn before I started. So then the youngest one wanted his horn improved a little. This is the $17 horn I started with:
I asked him if he had anything in mind for his horn and told him I probably could not do much engraving because the horn was so dark. He was into pirates then and wanted to know if I could do anything on the horn that was from Robert Louis Stevenson's "Treasure Island". I wasn't sure I could do much but said I would give it a try....I shouldn't have asked !
I made a new base plug, applied an antler tip, and made a couple of brass ring fittings to attach a strap. The map is from one of the original contemporary drawings of the mythical Treasure Island and the ship is rigged like a mid 18th century "Hispaniola". The stopper is turned rosewood and is supposed to look like a ship's stern lantern. I tried to make the whole thing not look too hokey or cartoon like.
At any rate, this is how it came out......