Oxyoke “oiled” patches…..what kind of oil ?

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May 15, 2003
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Stumbled across a dozen bags of Oxyoke .40cal x .015" "oiled" patches for a couple bucks a bag, too good to pass up and I bought them all, and used 50 of them this morning, worked perfectly, etc.

However, I noticed some fouling per shot compared to NL1000 or Hoppes lubes and went ahead and wiped between shots each time...made me wonder what kind of oil it was with the obvious suspicion that it was petroleum based.

Curious if anybody "knows" what kind of oil Oxyoke used in their "oiled patches"?
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I REALLY like oxyoke products but have no idea what kind of lube. I DO notice, however, that they look and feel "greasy"...more "petrolium oil like"
Just so were talking about the same thing, Oxyoke's main prelubed patches for the past 15 years or so have been lubed with Wonderlube 1000...like the patches under TC's brand name which uses the same lube called Natural Lube 1000...yellow in color.

But prior to that, years ago Oxyoke used to make 'oiled' patches...prelubed with some kind of oil...that's what these were...bags of old stock (but still new) 'oiled' patches with some kind of clear oil
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I was just on the TOW site last night and saw that they have unlubed, WL lubed, and oil lubed. The WL versions were the yellow you expect, while the oil lubed versions are brown. Haven't tried them, but there's and obvious difference.

Here is the page on the TOW site with photos showing the difference.

Good question.
Yes, that's about what these Oxyoke patches look like...but no color comes off on the fingers so I concluded the lube was clear and the cloth was brown...or darkened when the oil was added for some reason...dunno.

I don't remember that particular photo on TOWs site before...its really an excellent, bright, sharp display photo
Just an Info update:

After using these Oxyoke Oiled Patches for a couple of range sessions, I've definitly noticed that they leave my hands a lot dirtier than when using/handling patches lubed with NL1000 or Hoppes.
I get so much brown stain on them after a couple dozen shots that I stop and wash my hands off...the oiled patches work fine, just wish I knew what the oil was.