PA Doe falls to the Smoothie.....

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TinStar said:
Nice going!

Tell us more about the gun Matt!


The gun is a nicely built Chambers Early VA "smooth rifle" with a nicely figured stock, the usual chambers Colonial VA lock and I think a 42" Getz swamped barrel.
Lock and barrel have a nice bleach patina.
She's solid, quick and accurate enough! :thumbsup:

I purchased this one from forum member "tg" last month and this was her maiden voyage into the PA woods.(It was on the classifieds here)
Neat to whack a nice deer with a gun and a hand cast ball from a new friend on the other side of the country!
Geez, that's sweet. Good job. It's been warm and I haven't wanted to mess with a deer so I actually went out Monday morning for a few hours and hoped that I wouldn't see one. Thankfully, it worked.

Nice going Matt, I think she still has a lot of Deer to take, you are off to a fine start,I'd much rather see her in a pic with a Deer and a guy with a smile on his face than hanging on the wall another year, congrats on a fine hunt.
Capper said:
Man.... you really put a hole in her.

Great job. :thumbsup:

Thanks so much guys....

You know that was my exact thought when I walked up to her! LOL That was the first animal I've taken with a .62 and the entry and exit wounds looked like she was shot with a good sized archery broadhead....
That big ol' ball also knocks off a bunch of hair when it hits. :shocked2: When I walked up the spot where I shot her it looked like I knocked the stuffing out of a pillow! And the blood was everywhere right where she was standing.
Dare I say the performance for a whitetail is more than adequate! :thumbsup:
Matt PA said:
That big ol' ball also knocks off a bunch of hair when it hits.
:haha: There's something to be said for knockin' a great big ol' hole in 'em, huh?


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