PA firearms Opener

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40 Cal
Oct 2, 2021
Reaction score
It was windy day, minimal shooting compared to most years.
I snuck a thicket late morning, heard something below me and had a small doe come up to 30ish yards. Let her have it when she was quartering in to me. I held for the shoulder, but hit her far forward, entered brisket, and exited offside shoulder.
This is #2 for this is rifle this year.
Hope to find a buck yet.
I try to avoid a quartered shot for that reason. You can easily wound and have
an hour of tracking. You just saved grocery money. Usually, there are plenty of does
to be picky about. Thanks for the post. Now where is her Big boyfriend?
It was windy day, minimal shooting compared to most years.
I snuck a thicket late morning, heard something below me and had a small doe come up to 30ish yards. Let her have it when she was quartering in to me. I held for the shoulder, but hit her far forward, entered brisket, and exited offside shoulder.
This is #2 for this is rifle this year.
Hope to find a buck yet. View attachment 106717
was out yesterday also, total lack of shooting a bit concerning for the first day. not a deer came off other ridge and the same group hunting as usual. great job on your deer.
Congrats on another freezer queen:thumb:

Good luck the rest of season! I’m still on the hunt…missed a nice 8pt opening day with the .62 Fowler, got a lil excited and shot right under him at about 50yrds. Did the wait and check…clean miss.
Congrats on another freezer queen:thumb:

Good luck the rest of season! I’m still on the hunt…missed a nice 8pt opening day with the .62 Fowler, got a lil excited and shot right under him at about 50yrds. Did the wait and check…clean miss.
Daggum it Gary,
That's exciting!
I haven't seen as buck this whole rifle season. Hunted all day on the Shade today.
Saw 1 tail and had a herd come in above me, I goofed up and tried to move, they blew out of there.
One week yet and then the best time... Late season!
Brian, seen 2 more buck after that. One way out w/ big rack and a spike. Missed out on a couple hrs opening day to help a 73 yo buddy who shot a big 8pt. The next 3 days was nothing but does.

Hopefully one of them big Shade Mt. bucks will show up for you. Oh, next time take a shower as the deer prob smelled you😂😅😂
Brian, I also hunted Shade mountain. Seen deer sign but no deer. All shots I heard were far away. A lot of hunters too. I think they went nocturnal.