We’ve been a tellin’ ya’all
We’ve been a tellin’ ya’all
Laws were passes in New England that lobster could not be served more than twice a week to indentured servants due to the cruelty of it.
Laws were passes in New England that lobster could not be served more than twice a week to indentured servants due to the cruelty of it.
one thing I like to do is mix ricotta, parmesan, shredded mozzarella, beer,( cheap American lite) Mrs. Dash, Italian seasoning, and Garlic(all to taste), and maybe some other spices all together and spread the resultant mixture between layers..
This mixture also works well in ravioli, shells, manicotti.
http://www.gma.org/lobsters/allaboutlobsters/lobsterhistory.htmlGene L said:I read somewhere the complaints of prisoners complaining about being served lobsters three times a week. Without butter, they would be pretty hard to deal with.
I used to go to a professional school where the evening meal was steak and potatoes. It didn't take long for that to get old. Although it was cheaper in the long run for the cafeteria because it only took one or two employees to grill steaks.