Stumpkiller's moose milk
Isopropyl Alcohol (91%) __ 8 oz.
Castor Oil _______________ 3 oz.
Murphy's Oil Soap ________ 1 oz.
Witch Hazel ______________ 4 oz.
Water (non-chlorinated) __ 16 oz.
Add in the above order and shake well to mix as added, and again before every use or transfer. Oil and water don't mix, dontcha know. Castor is alcohol soluable, but not in water. And yes, the witch hazel does seem to make a difference in how well it smears and coats the bore.
I dip cotton strips twice, allowing them to dry flat, for "dry patching" (it's still oily, but not messy). Works great as a wet lube and powder solvent, too.
For absolute target or hunting I either wipe between shots with a spit patch if using a ball block or else add a drop of fresh milk to the patch and smear it between my thumb and index finger if cutting at the muzzle.