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Patch Lube?

Muzzleloading Forum

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Mar 21, 2004
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Just curious. There has been a lot of discussion on here about different patch lubes, but i don't recall anyone ever saying whether they had ever tried Pam cooking spray as a lube. I haven't, but thought maybe someone had. If so, what did you think of it?
582 posts on the muzzleloading forum..
And Rebel wants to know about PAM spray cooking oil as "patch lube"!!?????? Whaa??
OK, Tell ya what,,I seen it done 2 yrs ago,,the stuff burns-up big tyme in the bore,,scrub, scrub,scrub,,or, use it all ya want! I like shooting better than most you guy's.

Rebel! do not pass "go" do not collect 200,, in my way of thinking you just "lost" 500 posts worth of experiance just for the askin,,

,"pam spray"! "patch lube"! ya,,right,,
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my gawwwwwwwwwwwwwd.
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

And to think.............I got kicked off being MODERATOR for such statements.
:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:
You funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny. Made my day! :thumbsup: :redthumb:
OK, Tell ya what,,I seen it done 2 yrs ago,,the stuff burns-up big tyme in the bore,,scrub, scrub,scrub,,

That's because they didn't have the bore teflon coated...

And you also need regular PAM, not the butter flavored kind...
:crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

And to think.............I got kicked off being MODERATOR for such statements.
:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:
You funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny. Made my day! :thumbsup: :redthumb:

Sumtacks and Maxiball,

Let me remind you that there are no bad questions, only bad answers.

If you can't reply with something helpful, please don't reply at all. Insulting and making fun of our members will only get you banned from the Forum.

Men make mistakes - real men apologize.
in my way of thinking

sumtacks, in your case, based on the rest of your post, that seems like an oxymoron. Strange, until now I thought this little guy :crackup: indicated something funny but perhaps he just has stomach cramps and feels like he's going to hurl. As far as patch lubes go, I have always had excellent results with spit when shooting on the range and bear grease for hunting or any other situation where the gun will be loaded for extended periods of time. BTW, PAM makes a great case lube for reloading cartridges.

Tacks and Maxi, well i am glad to see that i got a real reply from you guys. Glad ya got a good laugh out of it. Course i should have expected it since you don't seem to have anything better to do than argue with someone. I posted the question just out of curiousity more than anything. I had no intention of using it, the lube i use now works fine. If it does indeed burn it the barrel then now people who didn't know, do. As far as using gasoline for a lube, sounds like something you should try Maxi, since you are the Great Lube Expeimenter. Should work Great in some of them T/C's. And like was said before, there aren't supposed to be any dumb questions. but you 2 proved there are sure some DUMB answers.
Thanks for the support Cody, Claude and Muasket Man, but it's ok. I don't take offence easy, especially when i consider the source.
I dont have any pam handy but i dug another brand out of the cupboard.Canala oil and soy lecithin an water.Crisco cooking spray contains cotton seed oils and the soy stuff.
Pam most likely is on the same order.Probably work for a patch lube much the same as crico shortnen does.
As with any lube finding the just right amount for the best groups is what it would take. :m2c:
Okay, back on topic. I don't like the stuff to cook with. It gets dark and looks like used motor oil under high heat. I wouldn't think that it would work well as a lube. I think that you probably would have a build of fouling from the stuff in the PAM. (I am not sure if the stuff left over would be an oil or carrriers or what).
IMO, not gonna try it. If someone says it works, I might think about it.
I think folks like to experiment with patch lubes because, hey, it's interesting. That's the neat thing about muzzleloading. There is a lot of room to try new things. Myself, I like to try various natural animal fat based lubes. I have found that beef tallow works, but nearly as well as mutton tallow. Mutton tallow is one of my favorites and I swear by it. Lehigh lube is also very good and I like that. Bacon grease works real nice. But mutton tallow is by far my favorite. I get it from Dixie as "Old Zip Patch Grease". This stuff keeps very well. I bought like ten cans of it back in 2001 and the stuff is still as good as new. A man who bags hisself a raccoon might want to try hisself that oil after cooking the critter just to see how it works. Hey, he might find something interesting. I seem to recall that bear oil was a popular lube, since folks often shot a bear to render it down for cooking oil on the frontier. It's all interesting. I figure, I'd like to try what my ancestors might have used. It helps to understand them and their world. Who can say even if someone used butter in a pinch on some farm somewhere? Or rendered down a possum for patch lube? I've also discovered a spit patch works better using certain brands of plug chewing tobacco, believe it or not. Muzzleloading is fun because we can do a lot of individualizing our loads and plunder and shootin' irons. I might be using mutton tallow patch lube, some other guy might have bagged hisself a bear and is using bear oil and another guy swears by something else. One guy might have found some fabric that works great for patches and another guy buys his pre-cut and they work perfect for him. One guy might say 90 grains of Goex FFg is perfect in his .54 GPR and another guy has the same rifle and says 80 grains of Wano FFg is best in his. One guy might like his shooting bag all gussied up, one guy likes his plain. But we can all come on here and compare notes and see what each other likes and ask questions and we learn something. I like reading about what other folks use and what they've got and what plunder they carry. To me, a guy with a lot of posts who asks a question is a wise man. The wise man asks questions and always tries to learn more and the more he learns, the wiser he becomes. The man who already thinks he knows it all has ceased to learn and cannot become wiser.
Raven, thank you for the kind words. As i already stated, i haven't ever tried it, was just curious to see if anyone had. I use either Crisco, or rendered bear fat and beeswax. Both work just fine for me. Never have tried mutton tallow, but see no reson why it shouldn't work just as well. Thanks again for you consideration. You sound like one of the more intelligent posters here. You don't try to start arguements, and as far as i have seen, you try to answer a persons question with a straight answer. Take care.
I have never heard of anyone trying Pam Rebel, if the results were really bad they might not talk about it??? I found a quart jar of fresh Bear fat on my porch Friday night ... guess my taxidermist friend delivers now...can't beat that for service.
I just had a friend give me a jar of bearfat and beeswax lube the other day. Going to give it a try. As for the PAM, i was sitting here last night and the wife was watching something on TV and a commercial came on for it. It just made me wonder if anyone had ever tried it. Ohh well, guess that's what i get for wondering huh. ::
Hey Reb. You noticed that I said NO OFFENSE
That means I meant no offense. You clearly said you took none.
I was histerical about sumtacks rather blunt but funny reply.
No where was I poking fun at you personally, but I think you know that.
I said NO OFFENSE in colored letters so no one would miss the disclaimer.
Now as far as poking fun at peoples questions and answers there are HUNDREDS here, many poked at me.
So what?????
Now I'm being threatened with the "big toss".
There are some regular tricksters here that make some darned funny remarks about questions and comments of almost everyone and they are MODERATORS.
Maxi, no offence was taken from you or Tacks remarks. My reply was just a comeback. No hard feelings here. Hope there are none with you either. Take care.
OK, Tell ya what,,I seen it done 2 yrs ago,,the stuff burns-up big tyme in the bore,,scrub, scrub,scrub,,

That's because they didn't have the bore teflon coated...

And you also need regular PAM, not the butter flavored kind...

This answer didn't address the question either.