I have never been able to get any kind of accuracy out of my Patriot. Not that I have concntrated my efforts onit, but it hits a foot high at 25 yds and seems to jump from the inertia of the starting to move. I have a junk/manure pistol made from Patriot parts and a piece of cut off rifle barel, an it shoots like a house afire.
CAN't figure it. The double set triggrs on thpatriot seem too far forward making it difficult to hold on target.
I recently purchased three new fancy target pistols that I have to break in and sight. A buddy of mine made modern in-line style pistol out of a old H&A 32 falling block rifle action and a barrel, and I gotta say it shoots pretty good.
I have seen the schematics for the Patriot triggers .......somewhere in one of my books. (Several hundred) if and when I find it, I'll post a copy.