I know this is not a replica of any original in particular. But does it represent a general type or time period? Lehigh perhaps? I'm looking for a lighter weight rifle and these seem to get decent reviews. But if the general design doesn't fit into 1780-1790, I'll pass on it and stick with the Charleville and carrying around it's weighty balls. I'm older now and weight of equipment lugged around is an issue. I can shoot for quite awhile with a pound of .50 or .36 balls in the pouch!
I know you guys have the answer and probably it's been discussed at length, but a search didn't bring up the answer. Sorry, all my reference material went 20 years ago and I have not had time to rebuild the library. All help is appreciated.
I know you guys have the answer and probably it's been discussed at length, but a search didn't bring up the answer. Sorry, all my reference material went 20 years ago and I have not had time to rebuild the library. All help is appreciated.