I understand there are malefactors about who pooh-pooh the existence of this particular smoothbore as the “red headed stepchild” of flintlocks……so be it. Onward. Sooooo, I’ve been chasing one of these for awhile, either sold out, out of stock, out of funds, outbid, etc. Happened upon this one on a gun site with a BuyNow princely sum of $750. Pretty poor pix but figured for the wampum involved even if I have to refinish, repair et al, still a deal. Delivered yesterday. Mental check list a-buzzing whilst unboxing (“What will need fixin’? Stock’s gonna be cracked”)……….well, Boy Howdy!, she’s unfired, like brand new condition. Not a mark on her. Beautiful, dates to 2001. Touch hole untouched, bore like a mirror, frizzen looks like it’s intimacy with the flint was a one time thing. Now comes the long wait for the furshlugginer ball mold to arrive…….