Pedersoli kuchenrurter or ROA???

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norfolk shooter

40 Cal.
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Hi chaps I know its been a long time but what can I say been shooting!!!
I have now got to the point where I feel I could do with moving up from my charles Moore to something different. I have in mind the two pistols mentioned above. I would get both but the long haired commander (Alison) wouldn't be very happy if I did.
So I need some help in choosing. The only purpose of the pistol would be target shooting and a few competitions if I feel the need.

Many thanks guys
I have never been much of a hangun shooter. However, I have had a Navy Arms New Model Remington since 1970 and have owned two different ROAs. It is my opinion that, while the Itallian pistols are well made guns, they are not even close to the class of the Ruger. Just cock each and you will see what I mean. Also, the stock sights on the Ruger are superior to stock sights on most of the repos.
The reason I still have the repo Remington is because it was a present from my paremts. I sold the last Ruger when I thought I was done with shooting in 1999.
Check on what is allowed revolver wise for use in the matches you want to compete in , the ROA is verboten for some matches ,but the Pedersoli Remington will be able to be used in more matches :)
Depends if you want a six shot revolver or a single shot muzzle loader. If you want a revolver I would recommend you look at the Rogers & Spencer. Mine out shoots the ROA hands down. Personally I would go with the Pedersoli kuchenrurter if I could afford it.
My thoughts are that the kuchenrurter is more or less the same thing as the Moore, basically a single shot .44/.45, though the kuchenrurter would be set up for pure target competition. If you're a competitive shooter, then that's the way to go. If you intend to use the gun for small game hunting, plinking or casual target shooting, I would vote for the Ruger. Basically, the choice depends on your intended use.
I'm not sure of the availability of Pietta on your side of the pond but I'd recommend the Pietta "Shooter's Model" Remington 1858 Revolver. It's traditional and likely legal for BP matches there as is it is on the continent. It is a finely made target quality revolver.
The main purpose would be target both comps and fun. The charles Moore has no elevation adjustment that's the main reason I'm wanting to change
Wes/Tex said:
My thoughts are that the kuchenrurter is more or less the same thing as the Moore, basically a single shot .44/.45, though the kuchenrurter would be set up for pure target competition. If you're a competitive shooter, then that's the way to go. If you intend to use the gun for small game hunting, plinking or casual target shooting, I would vote for the Ruger. Basically, the choice depends on your intended use.

WT - really, if the OP wants to go target shooting with any degree of seriousness, the Kuechenreutersi the way to go, even at double the price - at least - of a ROA. At least you'd be able to get spares for the Italian/German gun. Competitions for muzzle-loaders here in UK are generally bound by the rules of the MLAGB/UIT, so no revolver may have adjustable sights, nor is the ROA eligible even with fixed sights, as it is not actually a replica of a real gun.

For fun shooting, the ROA does the job, but for serious shooting, the Italian or German-made single-shot Kuechenreuter holds ALL the current world records.

BTW, game shooting in UK with a single-shot BP handgun is prohibited. The 'good reason' to own such a gun is usually target shooting - a valid 'good reason' in the eyes of the gun license-issuing authorities [ie, the county Police force]. Having the gun on the basis of that 'good reason' is not negotiable - that is the reason or it is not. Shooting ANY kind of live game requires a different kind of geas on your license that would NOT be granted here in yUK for this kind of firearm.

Hey tac good to hear from you mate. I would just be for club comps any I know a chap that uses an ROA for them but I see your point. Have you ever shot a kitchen sink (kuchenrurter)??

Ps I won last years summer comp with my Charles Moore but got sick of having to remake my for sight with araldite every week or so
norfolk shooter said:
Hey tac good to hear from you mate. I would just be for club comps any I know a chap that uses an ROA for them but I see your point. Have you ever shot a kitchen sink (kuchenrurter)??

Ps I won last years summer comp with my Charles Moore but got sick of having to remake my for sight with araldite every week or so

Yo, Norfolk person! Yes, I have shot the item belonging to a fellow member here, in fact, I've gotten hold of two rear sight screws and two trigger springs for him over the years. It's a truly beautiful thing to shoot, that's for sure. I don't have a movie of it on tac's guns, but I do have the very similar Hege Sieber pstol in .36cal being shot by Tim2 - see it on Youtube - under t Given the choice, I'd go for the .44 - the hole is bigger, hence the scoring chances are improved somewhat.

The first one in the club here was found in a pile of old BP accessories in a local gunstore. The store owner knew nothing about it at all, and sold it to the lucky buyer for £60, along with all its accessories..........sigh.

I understand where you are at with club comps - but remember that the ROA, whilst being being built like a brick outhouse, has totally NO spares back-up of any kind. Uncle Mikes of OR makes exact replica nipples, but after that, you are on your own.

Just sayin'.

Best to you and all - :thumbsup:

You need to decide if you want a revolver really bad. If so, the ROA is the best one available. I own a Pietta target Remington model 1858. Great gun, no regrets. But the ROA is heads above it. That being said, I do not enjoy shooting the revolver near as much as my single shot pistols. I have no intent to buy another revover. I am however planning to build an early English Dragoon. Think it over carefully.