Percussion Caps and Prime All

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There is now a LOT of interest in this. I have made my percussion caps for many years now. I have a old forrester made cap maker and a home made cap maker. I have the prime-all and it will work and can be made very powerful . There is safe ways to do this You would need to clean well because the prime-all makes corrosive caps. Can you get this sent to you? I have a lot more to share about this if there is a interest. The toy pistol role caps can work and be powerful but it isn't done the way most think . The cap makers that 22reloader sell work well and is a good start.
Very interested in all the info you can share, please.
Very interested in all the info you can share, please.

Not sure what there is to share. Get a die from 22reloader, a packet of prime all mix, and follow the fairly simple directions. The only thing I did that was not in the instructions was to add a drop or two of acetone mixed with some duco cement on top of the priming compound mixture once I put it in the caps. It made good, hot caps that worked just fine. The mixture is corrosive, but since black powder is corrosive as well and we are accustomed to cleaning appropriately, it doesn't matter.
Not sure what there is to share. Get a die from 22reloader, a packet of prime all mix, and follow the fairly simple directions. The only thing I did that was not in the instructions was to add a drop or two of acetone mixed with some duco cement on top of the priming compound mixture once I put it in the caps. It made good, hot caps that worked just fine. The mixture is corrosive, but since black powder is corrosive as well and we are accustomed to cleaning appropriately, it doesn't matter.
There are some things you can do if using the prime-all. Crush out any clumps in the white powder Before mixing with the other powders. Only work with the amounts given in the instructions. This will make between 15 or 20 charges. Make a scoop from one of cups from a plastic ring cap. Glue that to something to make a handle. Cut your scoop so it's less than half the size of what it was. Probably the best way to mix the powders is pouring back and forth on paper. Once you have your powder in the cups,push it down firmly with a close fitting rod of some sort. I use a close fitting plastic paint brush handle. You can use a lot of force if you want. I was doing this with a brass rod on a drill press. I estimate about 40 lbs of pressure on the rod. Hand pressure is good enough. I leave out the small bag of off white powder that is in the kit.
Now it's time for the binder. Without that your powder will crumble and fall out. One binder is a drop of Duco cement mixed in a tablespoon of acetone. That works well.I use mostly shellac flakes mixed up with denatured alcohol. A small bag from ebay will last forever. I have heard of nail polish much thinned down with acetone is good too. You want your binder to be thinner than water. Use a dipstick to place a drop in every cup. Let dry and you are done. I use no paper or foil in the cups. Hairspray will holds everything in the cups too. Don't use much of this or you caps will not work well.
For the cap cups. I make mine with two layers of pop cans. Take your cut up and flattened can and fold it in two the long way. Even up the outer edges and start in. A single layer of pop can is too wimpy for me. They don't hold up well with any kind of power.
Anybody remember "Tap-a-cap" from the 60/70's. Beer cans were used to make caps with it?
Yes Tap O cap and and some clones that can be bought now. They work the same. I use a Forrester Auto cap.It works on a reloading press. I have also made my own auto cap . Pop cans,Beer cans all work the same. The cap maker available from 22reloader works just fine .
I have the Tap o cap, and have mixed results with DIY compounds- match heads, caps, etc. Really want to try this Prime all.
Have not found a Canadian source yet.
My oldest boy collected most of a chess set that was in them. He`s in his late 20`s now, but still occasionally gets the treat for himself.

on a forum note, i can`t find the roll caps anywhere either here.
This is one of the very best threads I have seen on this Forum. It is educational, effective and very helpful to us shooters that are having problem in finding a supply of percussion caps.
If more of us made our own caps the commercial makers like CCI, Remington, RWS would not be so greedy in their selling of primers and caps.
Thumbs up to you for your effort in helping us out!
Has anyone tried making percussion caps with Prime All.
It seem quite viable and possible.
I have made caps with Tap a Cap and caps from children cap guns, and that was a waste of time at the best.
Apparently you can make any strength of cap, although this is not always the best way to go.
The cost of doing so is way less than .01 cent per cap ( not counting you time )
But for $20 you can make thousands of caps.
Percussion caps now cost more than .22 live ammo????
Please tell me something positive about this " Prime All" stuff.
Way up north here in Canada they are asking $8.00 + a can of 100 caps, when you can find them, then they want tax. If that is not a kink in the pants.
The tax alone is more than the cost of making a hundred caps with the Prime All stuff.
I'll be watching this post to see what the possibilities are.
The cap maker is worth it. I make hundreds from the soda cans I have. The priming compound is easy enough to make. Four components and easy measurements. One can be changed for a more stable one. Never use anything but glass and wood to mix. I found some micro spoons on Amazon to measure the martial into the cups with. Use acetone to set the powder up instead of alcohol.
Any others from Canada find the Tap O Cap tool here? Anyone have measurements for one so I could machine my own. Not sure If I can get one from the US, shipping duty and brokerage fees will be over $100 if they'll ship it, plus the cost of the tool is $75.00 Cdn.
Has anyone tried making percussion caps with Prime All.
It seem quite viable and possible.
I have made caps with Tap a Cap and caps from children cap guns, and that was a waste of time at the best.
Apparently you can make any strength of cap, although this is not always the best way to go.
The cost of doing so is way less than .01 cent per cap ( not counting you time )
But for $20 you can make thousands of caps.
Percussion caps now cost more than .22 live ammo????
Please tell me something positive about this " Prime All" stuff.
Way up north here in Canada they are asking $8.00 + a can of 100 caps, when you can find them, then they want tax. If that is not a kink in the pants.
The tax alone is more than the cost of making a hundred caps with the Prime All stuff.
I'll be watching this post to see what the possibilities are.
My son got the kit and bought the prime all. Seems to work great every cap went off and every projectile hit the target.
Yes Tap O cap and and some clones that can be bought now. They work the same. I use a Forrester Auto cap.It works on a reloading press. I have also made my own auto cap . Pop cans,Beer cans all work the same. The cap maker available from 22reloader works just fine .
Got the same kit from 22reloader, and they sell the prime-all and necessities. $49
YUP I am doing some you tube work right now on the subject #11 cap maker and prime all......I am Taurus/Hipoint Enthusiast on the you tube
Has anyone tried making percussion caps with Prime All.
It seem quite viable and possible.
I have made caps with Tap a Cap and caps from children cap guns, and that was a waste of time at the best.
Apparently you can make any strength of cap, although this is not always the best way to go.
The cost of doing so is way less than .01 cent per cap ( not counting you time )
But for $20 you can make thousands of caps.
Percussion caps now cost more than .22 live ammo????
Please tell me something positive about this " Prime All" stuff.
Way up north here in Canada they are asking $8.00 + a can of 100 caps, when you can find them, then they want tax. If that is not a kink in the pants.
The tax alone is more than the cost of making a hundred caps with the Prime All stuff.
I'll be watching this post to see what the possibilities are.
Works good but if you do not add nitro cellulose glue in with your acetone, the prime all will crumble and your caps will be worthless. Add one ounce of nitrocellulose glue to a 6 ounce bottle of acetone (remove some acetone from full bottle for glue) and you will have enough to last you years
I am an unpaid spokesperson and avid enthusiast for using the 22reloader and prime-all. My variant, since I can't take the smell of acetone, is to put one drop of wood grain alcohol in each and after a few minutes but while caps are still wet, I use a cut off 12 penny nail and punch a single layer of gift wrapping tissue in each cap. Tissue is thin and cuts well within the caps from being damp from the alcohol and has stayed intact well from my experience.