Period black powder cleaning

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Using a good vegetable oil or fat, or an animal oil or fat based lubricant absorbs salts and forms a barrier between steel and any salt solution.

Yep, that's the theory anyway. In practice the barrels often rust under the lubricant. In the late 1950s through the late 1970s i owned a couple hundred different period muzzleloaders. The bores of the vast majority were trashed, some rusted under the tallow or lard.

A trash truck driver friend gave me three muzzleloaders found in a dumpster near Arlington, VA: One was made by Hacker Martin. The bores of two were filled completely with tallow, the other was filled with unsalted butter. Those bores were pristine.
Grand Pa's diary entry mentioning gun cleaning is longer than his diary entry for killing a Federal colonel. Detailed to guard a bridge Grand Pa wrote: "Told the colonel to halt. He tried to draw his gun and I killed him."

A cousin owns the colonels Ames sword. Another cousin owns his Remington revolver.