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32 Cal
Jun 29, 2020
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I have been able to visit the range on only three occasions following the three month lockdown in the UK which has now been relaxed to allow outdoor ranges to open.
The first two visits involved getting used to the many new procedures with most of the limited time being devoted to sanitising and much less to actually shooting. I guess I should have done some dry practice at home during the break as it all felt a bit unsteady during the first two visits. This changed on the last visit with the old techniques finally remerging resulting in the highest score I have ever recorded with my Uberti 1858 NMA. This score group shot unsupported at 25 yds on a standard PL7 would be 93 with my previous highest score being 90 and my average score being 85. The rules allow for 13 shots with the best 10 to count, but I stopped at ten shots so as not to spoil the group and maybe only add a point or two.

The load was used was just 13grns of 777 FFFG with a greased wad behind a speer .454 ball and CCI No 11 caps.

The next visit should see if this was just a fluke or if the break had its advantages.

I have been able to visit the range on only three occasions following the three month lockdown in the UK which has now been relaxed to allow outdoor ranges to open.
The first two visits involved getting used to the many new procedures with most of the limited time being devoted to sanitising and much less to actually shooting. I guess I should have done some dry practice at home during the break as it all felt a bit unsteady during the first two visits. This changed on the last visit with the old techniques finally remerging resulting in the highest score I have ever recorded with my Uberti 1858 NMA. This score group shot unsupported at 25 yds on a standard PL7 would be 93 with my previous highest score being 90 and my average score being 85. The rules allow for 13 shots with the best 10 to count, but I stopped at ten shots so as not to spoil the group and maybe only add a point or two.

The load was used was just 13grns of 777 FFFG with a greased wad behind a speer .454 ball and CCI No 11 caps.

The next visit should see if this was just a fluke or if the break had its advantages.
View attachment 36253

Can I ask, do you prefer modern propellant to real black in revolvers?
I only use Black Powder substitute due to the UK restrictions associated with the licensing and storage of explosives rather than propellants.
To tell the truth, I have used both without any noticeable difference in results except the 777 seems a bit easier to clean after shooting. I used Pyrodex P before the arrival of 777, but now regard 777 as my muzzle loading powder of choice.

I only use Black Powder substitute due to the UK restrictions associated with the licensing and storage of explosives rather than propellants.
To tell the truth, I have used both without any noticeable difference in results except the 777 seems a bit easier to clean after shooting. I used Pyrodex P before the arrival of 777, but now regard 777 as my muzzle loading powder of choice.

Hi Brian. As a traditionalist, I use black powder for all my shooting, but each to his own. If you intend to shoot your originals though, I feel it would insult their history to use a book sub, but that’s just me. Stay safe and shoot well. Simon
I probably won't end up ever shooting my original Remington Navy, but should I ever do so, I promise I will respect its ancestry by only using traditional black powder. Even though I may never shoot it, its nice to know that it would still be capable of use after surviving for all those years.
Hi Brian. As a traditionalist, I use black powder for all my shooting, but each to his own. If you intend to shoot your originals though, I feel it would insult their history to use a book sub, but that’s just me. Stay safe and shoot well. Simon

"I only use Black Powder substitute due to the UK restrictions associated with the licensing and storage of explosives rather than propellants."

Sorry but that is pretty harsh unless you know the restrictions and costs involved.

Where I live in Massachusetts I can drive a few hours north to buy black powder or get it shipped in and pay haz mat. I usually am not so lucky as to be able to get a free haz mat special.
Sorry but that is pretty harsh unless you know the restrictions and costs involved.

UK in stupid restrictions on law abiding shooters shocker.

Not only do you have to have an explosives license to buy, store and transport black powder, you also have to have a special storage container for it (wooden box) which limits how much you can have. Not that we are likely to buy huge quantities anyway when a 1kg tub of Swiss 3f costs £73.50 ($91.88) not including stupidly expensive shipping.
"I only use Black Powder substitute due to the UK restrictions associated with the licensing and storage of explosives rather than propellants."

Sorry but that is pretty harsh unless you know the restrictions and costs involved.

Where I live in Massachusetts I can drive a few hours north to buy black powder or get it shipped in and pay haz mat. I usually am not so lucky as to be able to get a free haz mat special.
I do know the restrictions and costs, as I live in UK. I’ve been shooting muzzleloaders for over 45 years. The rules are a pain in the butt, but not really that bad. Anyway, I have no problem with Certus using 777, just think that real black should be used in originals, but even that, is only my opinion. Don’t believe that I caused any offence to the OP
I do know the restrictions and costs, as I live in UK. I’ve been shooting muzzleloaders for over 45 years. The rules are a pain in the butt, but not really that bad. Anyway, I have no problem with Certus using 777, just think that real black should be used in originals, but even that, is only my opinion. Don’t believe that I caused any offence to the OP

Absolutely no offence taken. I definitely wouldn't describe myself as a purist, but I too believe that using anything other than BP in an original just wouldn't feel right. BP substitutes just happen to be more convenient for me with no reduced performance in my replica revolvers.

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