pickling eggs

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58 Cal.
Jan 30, 2008
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I was wondering if yall could help me out with some good recipes for pickling eggs? I am going to try but dont exactly know how to pickle them. Any help would be great. Thanks.
I cheat, when I get the hankerin I just hardboil an drop'm in a jar of pickle juice.
Takes about a week. I like Clausen pickles an when the jar is empty I just keep it in the fridge an fill it with the eggs. Some other brands WILL turn your eggs green, seems they add a die so our pickles are nice'n green :idunno:
i do the same thing. i usualy have pickles in the fridge and just save the juice when theyre gone. drop in some hardboiled eggs and whammo :thumbsup:
I too just hardboiled and drop them in a jar of pickle juice. Add about ½ to one cup of white vinegar to the pickle juice. This rejuvenates the pickle juice and keeps the flavor. :thumbsup:
I've been playing around trying to make some spicy pickled quail eggs.
First thing to understand is that I really don't know what I'm doing.
Made a brine of vinegar and pickling salt, poured it HOT over the small jars of eggs, then added various things intended to "spice them up", red pepper, a friends hot seasoning concoction, fresh diced jalapenos.

The things were certainly edible, but there were two main problems.
-one, they were super-pickley, the ol sliva really started flowing when you popped one of these in! Maybe I should have cut the vinegar with water?

-two, they simply had not picked up much in flavor, not from hot additions or even from crushed garlic/paprika. Does max flavor absorbtion require a certain amount of time?
Mines pretty simple . White vinegar , canning salt,handful of garlic cloves , paprica , crushed red pepper and half dozen of the TexMex dark red dryed peppers from the ethnic section at the grocers.

Make up to cover a gallon jar full of peeled boiled eggs filled to the shoulder of jar. Usually have enough for another half gallon and need to boil more eggs .
Found by putting 1/4 cup vinegar in pan with water for boiling the eggs the shells slip a little easier too.

After settin in fridge about two weeks , boy are the zezty !!
Never made pickled eggs before, but I finished off a jar of pickles today and decided to give it a try. Guess we'll see how they turn out :thumbsup:
I cheat a bit also but I use pickled sausage juice. I wait till I see an almost empty jar of pickled sausages at the local quick mart. Eat the remaining sausages and drop a dozen hardboiled eggs in and wait a week or better. :) :thumbsup:
bubba nailed it the garlic and dryed red pepper are essentials. a bay leaf too.
toss the paprika though imo.
about a heaping tbls of salt per gallon should do it
Smoke you’re hard boiled eggs. Or try smoking picketed eggs. Also! Smoke some salt, put a box of salt in a
Aluminum roasting pan, as you smoke stir salt about ever 10min. Smoke settles on top layer of salt,
and the salt must be stirred ever so often. Put the smoked salt on your picketed eggs, ect”¦.
Oh Yea,
The juice from sausages called "HOT MAMA's"
make great pickled eggs. It ain't cheatin' It's re-cycling.
Jon D.
How well do pickled eggs keep? Do they need refrigeration or could you take a jar camping for a couple of weeeks?
Never really tried without refridgeration for a long time,
But many of our local pubs have these for sale as a nibbler, And seems like those jugs can sit on the back bar for a LOOONG time, :idunno:
When them guy's that eat'm wake up in the mornin, and gotta run or feel poorly it's hard tellin what caused it,, :haha:
Everything I've read says to keep them refrigerated and eat within a month or so. Seems to me, though, that the point of pickling is to preserve it longer than what it would normally keep. Either way, mine never last long enough to find out :haha:
Yep Necchi
I've seen em sittin on the bar too. Right next to the pickled turkey gizzards.
Jon D
Jon D said:
Yep Necchi
I've seen em siting on the bar too. Right next to the pickled turkey gizzards.
Jon D
Jon D,
Being just a tad older than yourself,and it is probably the area which we live in. It has not been that long ago(OK maybe 40years) that pickled
eggs,pickled pork hocks and something very dear
to the hocks,pickled mountain oysters..I can still
remember 'blind robbins'? Salt cured herring,
vacuumed sealed and sold from like a chip display.
I have been told they were sold to create more
beer drinking.Stop and think,even when you walk into a bar today,it is salted chips,pretzels,
peanuts,popcorn that are always behind the bar.
It's business! For the most part,bar owners today,
don't know why they do it....But trust me the
vendors of the products do....and now we do.
P.S. Anyone that don't know what a mountain
oyster is can pm and I will tell you.
Pickled eggs....like in "Dances With Wolves"?
He had a crate-full of those things rattling around on the wagon in the hot summer prairie sun.
They didn't help him much in the end, tho... :shake:
all i did was read the words "blind robins", and i had to get a beer out of the fridge. we have a market that sells them, along with pickled eggs, pickled pigs feet and the nasty ones packed in gelatin. i do buy the jalapeno pickled eggs from the amish. man, are they good. not too hot when you eat them, but hot the next day. :redface:
How well do pickled eggs keep? Do they need refrigeration or could you take a jar camping for a couple of weeks?

Preserving eggs in vinegar has been around for a long time.

I have personally eaten pickled eggs that were 6 month old.

Place boiled eggs in a jar, cover and seal. Store in refridgerator for one week, then can remain at a cool dry place for up to one year.

Hundred Year Old Eggs - Also called century egg, thousand-year egg and Ming Dynasty egg, all of which are eggs that have been preserved by being covered with a coating of lime, ashes and salt before being shallowly buried for 100 days”¦”¦.

This information comes from this sight. http://www.appropedia.org/Uses_for_large_quantities_of_eggs
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