Iowa[112] is a "may issue" state for concealed carry. A Permit to Carry Weapons may be issued or denied to qualified residents at the discretion of the county sheriff, or to non-residents at the discretion of the Commissioner of the Iowa Department of Public Safety. Applicants must successfully complete an approved training course and demonstrate proficiency with a handgun. Iowa does not recognize concealed carry permits issued by other states.[113][114][115]
On April 29, 2010 Iowa governor Chet Culver Signed SF 2379, Therefore Effective January 1, 2011 Iowa will become a "Shall issue" state for concealed carry [116]
A Permit to Acquire Pistols or Revolvers is required when purchasing a handgun from a dealer or private party, and is obtained from the county sheriff. A Permit to Acquire shall be issued to qualified applicants aged 21 or older. It becomes valid three days after the date of application, and is valid for one year.{ A permit is not required when purchasing an antique handgun, which is defined as a matchlock, flintlock, or percussion cap pistol manufactured before 1898, or a replica of such a pistol.}[117]
Iowa has enacted state preemption of firearms laws, so local units of government may not restrict the ownership, possession, or transfer of firearms, or require their registration.[118]
Under Iowa law, private citizens may not possess automatic firearms, short-barreled rifles, or short-barreled shotguns.[112]
[edit] Kansas
3rd paragraph in Red