pietta revolver =shooters revolver

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45 Cal.
Jan 1, 2006
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Never had any experience with black powder revolvers,my ques is does the Shooters Rvolver have this stamped on the barrel or frame anywhere,in other words how is it identified,and is this gun that much better than the standard one.
Also what is a used standard pietta army 58 in reall good almost like new cond worth.thanks
The "Shooter's Model" has a few different features,
Walnut grips, Matte finish and most noted a silver colored Trigger guard; http://www.dixiegunworks.com/product_info.php?cPath=22_92_187_189&products_id=4098

Cabelas has new Pietta 1858 on sale several times through out the year @ 179.99 vrs the typical price of 239.99.
A good used steel framed one goes 140-150 around here, brass frame 100-125.
As a side note; It's tuff to find a used steel frame 1858,, people keep'm.
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Shooters model way too pricey for me but to each his own. I would stick with the $239 dollar one myself. I own an 1860 Pietta Colt and I love it. Its my working side arm.

HH 60
Yea I think I will wait for the ones on sell,I did find a real nice looking one the other day,a steel frame but they wanted $199.00, I told them they were about $75.00 too high. by the time they are on sell I'll probly be over one any way, thanks.
I posted about this gun a few weeks ago. Basically, the gun is an actual 100% rebuild of the Remington 1858 in size, shape, dovetailed front sight, progressive rifling, correct chamber and bore dimensions, etc. The trigger guard is silvered so it's easily spotted compared to the other versions. makes for a super shooting revolver but unless you intend to try out for International competition, the $900-$1000 price is hard to justify. :thumbsup:
I might be wrong, but I think Sportsmans Warehouse has the best prices on BP revolvers.
$199 is better price than available at Sportsmans Warehouse. Last time I checked for a steel 1858 was closer to $300.
I concur on the Shooter's Model being the top of the line revolver. Very popular with the Friendship shooters. Accuracy is superb.

It's interesting to note that not all the Shooter's Models sport a silver trigger guard; my 2002 model from Dixie Gun Works has a brass trigger guard. When we asked Dixie about it, the reply is 'some come with brass, some with silver' . Apparently both are made for the European market and Dixie gets what's on the shelf at Pietta at the time of ordering.

In fairness, Pedersoli makes a Match Revolver of similar quality for a comparable price. I haven't seen or handled one but reports from the European Target Matches give it high marks.

Mine was bought used from a good friend who had lost the blackpowder shooting itch. I was more than happy to make the purchase.
We now have a local Cabela's. I went there and eyed the Dance and Brothers. I looked kinda strage without the recoil shield tho. Went I went the next time I asked to see it. The wife even handled it, she like the balance. It wispered to me :shocked2:. I handed it back to the counter guy to put away. I mentioned to my wife that it wispered to me.( she got that knowing look in her eyes). Last time I went, I walk past the display case, and took a peek at it. It has now began to talk to me. Am I going insane :youcrazy:, or hearing voices in my head?
I keep waiting for them to put it on sale, even checked the web site. Wouldn't you know it every one but that one is on sale . They still want 270 bucks for it. When I visit again after the holidays I will see if it still talks to me.
i bought one a year ago at cabelas with an employee pricing coupon I got in the mail - was about 220 or so with taxes if I remember correctly
The pietta 1851 36 cal. That cabellas has on sale for 219 is keeping me up nights.
my wife said I can buy one gun as a Christmas gift for myself.
I already have an 1858 in 36, not sure about getting another 58 in 44 or the 51 in 36. :idunno:
Poor Private said:
It has now began to talk to me. Am I going insane :youcrazy:, or hearing voices in my head?
When I visit again after the holidays I will see if it still talks to me.
"Ooh, ooh, Private...it's me! You need to buy me...don't listen to your wife...it's me you want! Ooh..." No you're not insane, just sensitive! And, a very lucky guy who has a wife that doesn't give him "the Look" when he stops by a gun counter!! :wink: :thumbsup:
When it's talking to you does it sound like,

"Howdy pardner. Ah've been a layin here for a long time an' ah've seen you eyeing me. Don't you think its about time for you to dig out some cash an' take me home with you?" ?

Or did it say,

"I've been here for some time and I believe you owe it to yourself to buy me." ?

If it was like the first one, it probably was the gun talking to you. The Dance Brothers were Texans.

If it was like the second one it was the sales clerk. They are paid on commission and they don't talk Texan worth a hoot.
Zonie said:
If it was like the first one, it probably was the gun talking to you. The Dance Brothers were Texans.

If it was like the second one it was the sales clerk. They are paid on commission and they don't talk Texan worth a hoot.
You betcha'...very few know how to use terms like 'howdy' or 'reckon' or how to say, "Yah want me to carry ya'll on down to the store?" and if they say something like, "That's tougher'n sweeping sunshine off the porch"...you better find something else to talk to you!! :rotf:
Brian6396 said:
Ordered the 1851 this morning when I woke up, and a new double .375 mold

You guys get these things for nothing.

I can't even fill my gas tank twice for what you pay for a nice shiny new BP revolver..... :shake:


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