A wife is expensive. She twists my arm to buy a new to me gun. Thanks honey for the 1863 Sharps ( 3 of them ) and the 1874 in 45-70.You owe your wife a nice dinner date for her encouraging you to buy another gun!
A wife is expensive. She twists my arm to buy a new to me gun. Thanks honey for the 1863 Sharps ( 3 of them ) and the 1874 in 45-70.You owe your wife a nice dinner date for her encouraging you to buy another gun!
I think you are right, I have an 1851 Navy NIB by CVA and the frame and barrel match this one except the grip does not have the shoulder stock cutout. That's what made think it's an 1860 Army + the 44caliber. What made me think stainless as there is no evidence of it ever having any rust. Along with this.
Edit: I love a good mystery and still love this pistol.
Mystery solved... It is an 1851 Navy replica with a 44 cal barrel.Got a link? I'm not finding it.